Lysandre's Labs

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Hey I'm baaack!

Did you guys missed me?


Serena's POV :
As I opened my eyes I see red. Red everywhere.

Using all the strength that I have, I punched the redness away. I looked at my hands and saw jellyness. This is weird. I looked at my left and see Clemont, in the same position as me.

Wait, I thought I was the only one captured. Did Clemont got caught too? What if Ash was somewhere here too! I must take action!

I tried to break the container, but it is impossible. Probably only the person that is inside the container can break themselves out.

I pound the container, hoping Clemont would wake up. It's no use.

I decided to explore around. "Victim's Pokemon". I read.

"Come out everybody!" I commanded. "Braix!" "Cham!" "Sylvie!" Said the pokemon. "You guys! Are you alright?" I asked. All of them nodded. "Thank Arceus" I signed.

"Come on. Let's go find Ash and the others." I said.

~time skip~

"Serena!" I heard a voice said. "I turned around to see Ash. "Ash!" I cried. "Where were you?" Ash asked. "I was trapped in a container. Ash! Clemont's there too!" I said. "We need to contact Astird and the others!" Ash said. "A-Astrid and the o-others?" I asked.

Is that Astrid girl could possibly be...
Ash's girlfriend?!

"Yeah, Astrid is my sister. The others are Korrina, she's also my sister. And Shauna, she followed us to meet Calem. The guy that tricked Shauna. Don't you remember?" Ash explained. "O-Oh yeah.. I forgot.." I replied.

"Okay, let's go! To Lysandre's Labs!" Ash exclaimed. "Okay, follow me!" I said.


"This is it." I said. "Lysandre's Labs... Clemont!" Ash said running to Clemont. "Clemont! Wake up!" Ash said while he pounds the container. Clemont opened his eyes slowly. His eyes was opened wide as he saw us. Clemont being Clemont, breaks the glass tube and came out, breathing heavily.

"Clemont are you okay?" Ash and I asked simutalously. "I'm.. Fine. Contact the others!" Clemont said. "Got it!" Ash replied. Ash took out what looks like a Walkie-Talkie. "Guys, this is Ash. I want you guys to locate Lysandre's Labs ASAP!" Ash said alarmly.

"Ash! I am with Alain, Lysandre has threaten him so Alain have to follow Lysandre's orders. Right now he is leading me to Lysandre's Labs. Be careful. Alain said that Lysandre will be back to his Lab soon." A female voice said. "Who's Alain?" I asked. "He is my opponent in the Kalos League. But I know that his heart was full of gold." Ash explained.

"And, who's the girl?" I questioned. "Astrid. Korrina told me that she was also tricked by Lysandre." Ash replied. "Oh.." I said.

"Ash!" A voice said. "Astrid!" Ash said. "Where's Korrina? I thought she was with you." Astrid asked. "I left her with Shauna. They could be here any-" "We're here!" A female voice interrupted.

"So, what's the plan?"


Third Person's POV :

"From what I know, Lysandre is trying to capture the protectors of Kalos. Those protectors are Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde. He plans to possess the trio and destroy the world. But it seems like they have captured Yveltal already." Alain explained.

"I think he's going for Zygarde next. I saw the machine." Clemont added. Serena closed her eyes. "Xerneas... I know where Xerneas is at!" Serena said. "And.. Oh no! My sister Bonnie is currently taking care of a green like creature. I'm afraid that creature would be Zygarde..." Clemont shivered.

"The Lumiose Gym is where your sister is at, right?" Korrina asked. "Yes." Clemont replied. "Then me, Korrina, and Shauna will head there. You guys go find Xerneas." Astrid said. "How about me?" Alain asked.

"You stay here, and tell us what Lysandre is gonna do next." Korrina intructed. "And Calem aswell..." Shauna added.

"Okay got it!"


What's up people welcome back!

Thank you for 1k+ reads!

I know it's a bit late but whatever! 😊

~KawaiiAmourShipper 💕

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