I'm Saving You Big Bro!

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Ash's POV :
Ugh, this is so dark. As I opened my eyes I saw... Misty. It looks like I was trapped in a dungeon. While Misty was outside. Pikachu wasn't here. "M-Misty?!" I shouted. "You've woken Ash."Misty said emotionlessly. It looks like Misty bowed her head down. "Misty, I don't know where I am. Please tell me!" I pleaded.

"You. Are. MINE!" Misty screamed as she headed towards me. Her eyes are red. Her skin is very pale. "Misty what's wrong with you?!" I asked.

An aura started to form her body. Its red just like blood. "N-NOTHING'S WRONG WITH ME! NOTHING!!" Misty screamed. A dark aura starts to form.

Misty is wearing a necklace. Its black and red. The red starts to shine. She must be possesed!"Misty! You're possesed! Snap out of it!" I yelled.

"I'M NOT POSSESED! YOU ARE! AND YOU SHALL BE MINE!" Misty screamed again. This is not the real Misty. I can hear a faint noise inside of her. "D-Destroy t-the n-neckl-lace.." Misty whispered. "But Misty! I don't wanna hurt you!" I said.

"D-Destory i-it.. Its f-for th-" Before Misty was finished, the darkness returns. "HAHAHAHAHAHAH!" Misty laughed evily.

"I'm sorry Misty. But I have to hurt you..." I said. I ran up to Misty and tried to rip off her necklace, but the necklace was too strong. Misty shoved me away.

"YOU WANT THIS? WELL YOU WONT GET IT! STARYU USE PSYCHIC!" Misty said. That is when I got knocked off.

I woke up and saw myself in the same dungeon. But this time Misty wasn't here. Pikachu is not here aswell. I tried to get my pokeballs but it looks like Misty have taken it. Then I got a brilliant idea.

I grabbed my Walkie-Talkie and quickly make a message.

"I need Korrina's attention! Korrina, this is Ash talking. I was found trapped in this dungeon. I have no pokemon with me. Please save me. By the way, if you see Misty, she is the one that kidnapped me. And also, you need to rip the necklace off. Be careful sis." I said.

"I will save you Big Bro!" Korrina replied.

Korrina's POV :
After recieving the message. I have to tell Shauna. "Shauna?" I said. "Yes?" Shauna asked. "We have to go somewhere. To save Ash. He is kidnapped." I apoligized.

"Ash? The champion? I'll do anything to save him!" Shauna said confidently.

"By the way, if you saw a girl with orange hair, yellow top, and short jeans. Rip her necklace off. She is the on ewho kidnapped Ash." I warned.

"Got it! Ivysaur come on out!" Shauna said.

"That's a good idea! Lucario lets go!" I throw my pokeball.

I went to Misty's house. I know where her house is because I once go there. When we arrived, I saw footsteps. "We need to follow the footsteps!" Shauna said. "Yeah!" I agreed.

~time passed~ (cause why not?)

"There it is! The dungeon!" I said as I pointed at the entrance. "That must be where Ash is!" Shauna said.

We entered the dungeon. "Big bro!" I siad running at Ash. "Korrina! I knew you could save me! Um, who's this?" Ash asked. "This is Shauna. She is a friend of Calem. Shauna never knew that Calem was part of Team Flare." I explained.

"Oh, oka-" Before Ash could finish, a loud voice was coming. "HAHAHAHH!" Screams the voice. "That's Misty! She's possesed!" Ash warned.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT? MY ASH? YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM! NUH UH!" Misty yelled. "Ivysaur use Vine Whip!" Shauna ordered.

Ivysaur grabbed hold of Misty's necklace. "Good job Shauna! Lucario use Bone Rush!" I commanded.

Lucario charges at Misty's necklace.

"Argh! Staryu Water Pulse!" Misty yelled. Staryu managed to protect the necklace.

I charges at Misty and grabbed the necklace tight. "STOP IT!" Misty screamed.

I hold the necklace as tight as I can and soon the necklace broke off. "ARGH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! AHH!!" Misty shrieked.

Misty fainted on the ground. "Misty!" Ash shouted in a worried tone. "We have to take her to the Pokemon Center." Shauna said. "Got it!" Me and Ash nodded.


Do you liek it?

I liek turtles ._.

~KawaiiAmourShipper 💕

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