Zygarde Zearch

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Bonnie's POV :
I was playing around with Dedenne and Squishy. I am currently 9 years old, one more year and I will be a Pokemon Trainer! Most of the times Squishy would run off and stare at the sun. I wonder why....

Third Person's POV :
"I know a shortcut from here to Lumiose City! Me and Calem would usually use the path to get to the bakery before anyone else does." Shauna said. "Speaking of that Calem guy... He was planning on marrying Serena." Korrina murmured. Shauna's confidence was dropped down from 100% to 50%.

"Its okay Shauna! We will get Calem just like the way he was! Well, unless he acted it all out.." Astrid whispered at the last part.

Shauna pulled out a fake smile. "So, Lumiose City is that way. Through the forest." Shauna pointed at the forest.


Squishy/Zygarde was staring at the forest. Bonnie thought of a great plan to make Squishy/Zygarde happy. "Hey Squishy, do you want to go in there?" Bonnie asked. Squishy nodded. "Okay let's go!" Bonnie announced.


While Bonnie was walking, Dedenne smelled something. "Huh? Dedenne? Are you hungry?" Bonnie asked. "Denne Dedenne!" Dedenne yelled. "Okay! There must be some berries here- AHHHH!!" Bonnie screamed as heard a loud angry voice.

Out came a Garbodor, looking angry as ever. "Oh no... It looks like we have come into its territory!" Bonnie said, looking afraid. "GARRBODDOOOOOR!" Garbodor shouted.

"Ahhhh!!" Bonnie screamed again. Then Garbodor launches an attack but Bonnie dodged it just in time.

"You ready Dedenne?" Bonnie asked. "Dedennne!!" Dedenne replied. "Okay. Squishy, stay back." Bonnie said. Bonnie and Dedenne stepped foward, ready to battle.

"Dedenne! Use Nuzzle!" Bonnie commanded. Dedenne pounced at Garbodor but Garbodor uses its strong arms and pushed Dedenne away. "Dedenne! Are you okay?" Bonnie asked. "De ne..." Dedenne weakly answered.

Squishy, feeling angry that a Pokemon have hurt its friend. At the same time Astrid, Korrina, and Shauna was walking by. "Look, is that.." Korrina pointed. "Bonnie?" Astrid said. "And Zygarde.." Shauna muttered.

Squishy jumped in front of Bonnie and Dedenne. It then collects the cell and transform into its 10% forme. Bonnie, Astrid, Korrina, and Shauna's eyes widen as they saw it transform.

Squishy then launches an attack and with 1 hit, Garbodor fainted. Astrid, Korrina and Shauna ran up to Bonnie. "Are you okay?" Astrid asked worringly. "I'm fine. But, who are you?" Bonnie asked. "I- er. I'm Clemont's friend." Astrid said. "Just friiiieeeeennnd?" Bonnie asked. Astrid's face turned bright red. "Yeahh!! Just friends!!" Astrid replied.

"Stop blabbering. Bonnie I'm Korrina, that's Astrid. And this is Shauna." Korrina introduced. "So, why are you guys are here?" Bonnie questioned. "We are saving you. And we need that little one there." Shauna answered. "But... I don't wanna leave Squishy!" Bonnie remarked.

"Then, you can go with us. Just promise that you will stay safe." Astrid said. "I promise!" Bonnie smiled greatly.


Short chapter....


That's all..

494 words

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