
Start from the beginning

"Father?" Pj asked, eyes wide.

"In the flesh, sort of." God said, "I wouldn't really call the body cover fleshy."

"Holy shit." Chris said.

"Ayyyyye, it's Heavens biggest problem," God greeted, "You're so lucky I haven't smited you where you stand."

"You're really him? The big G-O-D?" Chris questioned, crossing his arms.

"Yep. I have business with you two, obviously," he said, pulling up a chair and sitting down, "I mean, you only corrupted Heaven and Hell."

"Phil's fucking a human!" Pj said, "Get him in trouble not me!"

God laughed, "He is in trouble, dingus. You're next though."

"Who's Phil?" Chris asked.

"An angel of mine," God said, "He's recently, well, become very intimate with a human. He' love."

"Oh wow," Chris said, rolling his eyes, "Don't tell me he gave up his angelhood for him."

"I can't." God said, "He's undecided. In fact, at this very moment he's saying goodbye to his lover."

"He fell in love with Dan fast, didn't he?" Pj said, "I guess I don't blame him, Dan's pretty hot."

Chris glared at Pj, and pain crossed his features for a second. "Oh, so Phil's a gay angel?"

"I guess," God said.

"There seems to be a lot of those," Chris smirked. It was Pj's turn to glare at him, and Chris stuck out his tongue.

"About that," God began, "I cannot allow your affairs to continue."

Pj felt his heart do something funny, but in the worst way possible. It it was broken.

"Why not, it isn't hurting anybody." Chris defended.

"An angel and a demon...they can't're supposed to be too different to even want to be around each other. I'm surprised it lasted this long if I'm honest."

"Well it did." Pj said, "And I don't see the problem."

"You're not doing your job anymore, Pj." God said, "You're the best we have, and you're letting down all of Heaven."

"So?" Chris said, "When did our jobs define us?"

God laughed, "Oh my gosh." he exclaimed, "I see what it is now. You''re both turning human."

They both stilled, turning paler. God continued to laugh, "I see why you guys got so close now. Both of you are more interested in each other than anything else. Angels and Demons love their jobs more than anything. It's what they're assigned to do and they do it until they don't. You two are just like Phil. Human thinkers. And I think you're falling."

"I am not a human." Chris said, "I'm the best business demon in the world."

"Not anymore," God said, "I know about your problems down in hell. Lucy is angry, isn't he? A little mad that you haven't been bringing in souls?"

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