Chapter Thirty Seven - Back To Reality

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~Joker's POV~

Jonny parked the van outside the large and very old mansion. This is where my old hideout used to be, until the rodent found us and caught us. Though i personally like the warehouse better. We got out of the van, as did all my henchmen in the four other vans, and headed towards the entrance. "What if it's a trap? What if they're not even here? What if Maddie's already-" "One more word out of your mouth Harley, i swear." I snapped at her. I don't want to think about the things she just said, especially the one about my Angel possibly being dead already. No, Maddie's too strong for that. I kicked down the front door and we all stormed inside. The place was dead silent, which only made me second think my guess about Maddie's whereabouts. Suddenly about six men with sacks on their head came running at us, shooting at us as they did. Crane's henchmen. We're in the right place.  "Shoot at will!" I shouted at my men and Harley. Within about thirty seconds Jonathan's men were lying lifeless on the floor. Usually i would stay a bit and carve a smile on their faces or something, but i'm more determined to get Maddie. One thing Crane forgot, i know this house like the back of my hand. So if he thinks he can hide her somewhere i won't know to look, the hay sack's wrong. "Everyone split up. Search every single room, twice if you have to. Kill anyone who isn't Maddie or Crane. Yell out if you find either of them." I instruct to everyone. They all nod and split up. I head don towards my old torture room and Harley heads upstairs.

~Angel's POV~

The door of the room is slightly open, if i could just get over there i could maybe escape. No, that wouldn't work, i wouldn't get out fast enough and Crane would just catch me. Suddenly a familiar voice called out my name, sounds like they're just outside. "In here." I called back as loud as i could, but that wasn't very loud. I'm not even sure if they heard me. Curse these bronze bands, if i didn't have them on i would so be able to get out of here right now. Then the door opened completely and the clown ran over to me. "Harley" I cried as she pulled me into a hug, tears streaming down both our cheeks. "Oh my god Maddie, i'm so glad you're alive." She cried into my shoulder. "I'm so glad you came." I smiled as we pulled out of the hug. Harley looked down and noticed the bands on my wrists. She quickly pulled a bobby pin from her hair and picked both the locks. The bands instantly fell off of my wrists and landed on the ground with a thud. I rubbed my wrists, i feel so much better now they're off. I don't feel anywhere near as weak anymore. "That's why you couldn't leave the room huh, cause the bands. I know your..."She continued talking, but her words then inaudible. I find it a huge coincident that as soon as Jonathan injected with his toxins, that Harley then shows up. It's not real, none of this is real. It's all too good to be true "No." I said, unsure if she heard me. "What?" "No! You're not real. It's just in my head!" I got out of her grip and fell to the floor. I then heard someone else enter the room. I looked up to meet eyes with the devil himself.

"Maddie..." I heard him whisper under his breath. He started walking towards me but i backed up against the wall. "Maddie? What's wrong?" He asked as they both walked towards me. "No you're just going to kill me again. What's it this time huh? You've already stabbed me, shot me, drowned me, tortured me to death. I'd like to see what else you've got." I shouted as loud as i could as my back touched the wall. They both suddenly stopped walking and looked at each other. Wait, he's never just stopped before, and he doesn't have that psychotic look in his eyes like he usually does. Then again, it could just be Crane making me think it's real but actually it's not. "Is that why you're all beat up and bloody?" Harley asked as she looked back at me. I nodded slowly as i struggled to stand up. "Harley, can you get out for a minute." Joker asked, though it came out more as a demand. Harley nodded and left, glancing back at me a few times. "Are you afraid of me?" Joker asked, staring down at the ground. This is different to all the other nightmares i've had, so maybe... it is real. "I... I don't want to be, but i am." I sighed as i take a step towards him, tripping over the bands on the floor. He looked up at me and caught me just before i fell. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest, and he softly kissed my forehead. This is real! I'm not dreaming this! "Why?" He whispered into my ear. I looked up at him and our eyes met once again.

Before i could answer Harley opened the door with a worried look on her face. "Sorry to interrupt, but i think we need to go." She said. Jack and i nodded and headed over to the door. He grabbed my hand and held it in his, how much i missed him doing that. We continued running through... where ever the heck we are, but i was at the back since i was still slightly weak. "Well well well. Lookie who we have here." Crane's voice said from behind us. The three of us stopped and turned to face him, only to realise he was aiming a gun at me. "I was planning on torturing you to death Maddie, but i guess this will have to do." At that, Crane pulled the trigger. My instinct kicked in and i spread out my wings, grabbed Jack next to me and shielded us with my wings. Thank god they're bullet proof. Oh crap, i just realised what i just did. Jack knows about my wings now. Crane fired at us for a bit until he emptied the gun. "How... How did you get the bands off?" He asked as he dropped the gun. I un-shielded Jack and i with a large smirk on my face. "Next time, put better locks on the bands. Locks that can't be picked with bobby pins." I smirked. I pulled the gun out of Jack's holster and shot Crane twice in the stomach. He dropped down to the ground, surrounded by a pool of his blood. Now he'll never bother me again. I turned around to face Jack with a worried expression on my face. "I can explain..."

His Angel // A Joker Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now