Chapter Six - Call Me Jack

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He walked into his room and sat down on his bed, I stood in the doorway questioning what he was gonna do. He patted the spot on the bed next to him, signalling me to sit next to him. I didn't want to be in the same room as him, let alone sit next to him. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to him. "Why did you do that?" He asked plainly, still no emotion on his face. Honestly, I have no idea why I helped him. I just did. I just shrugged my shoulders and stared down at the ground. I could feel him staring at me again. "There has to be a reason. You of all people wouldn't just do that for no reason." He sighed. I looked over at him, he was staring down at the floor with a sad expression on his face. I swear, I will never understand him. Ever. "I don't know. I guess I'd rather have a stubborn Joker than a angry and stubborn Joker in the house." I said, giggling a bit at the end. The sad expression on his face disappeared and he had a genuine smile. He then laughed a bit, but it wasn't his usual 'send shivers down your spine' laugh. It was a normal laugh, a warm comforting laugh. He almost seemed normal in this moment. Almost. "I guess that's true." He sighed. Then I remembered the question I had for him before. "Why did you help me?" I whispered, unsure if he heard me or not. "Huh, oh I don't know." "There has to be a reason. You of all people wouldn't just do that for no reason." I smiled, repeating what he has said to me. He laughed again, the normal laugh, and looked over at me. Our eyes met again and we just sat there like that for at least a minute or two. Deep down in my stomach I felt something I haven't felt in a while, a long while. It felt strange, and I didn't like it. "Tell me something about yourself." I said, but it sounded more like a question. "There's not much to tell doll. Tell me a little about you." He demanded.

I don't usually open up to people about my life, I keep it all to myself. I never imagined myself sitting with the Joker in his bedroom telling him bout myself, but here I am doing exactly that. "Well, my parents died when I was only two years old. I grew up in Gotham Orphanage and when I was ten I got adopted." I sighed, fiddling with my fingers. I could tell he was staring at me again. Why does he keep doing that? "Um, I met my best friend in high school, Harleen Quinnzel." A small smile appeared on my face as a lot of memories came rushing back to me, memories shared with Harley. "You've known each other for a while huh." Joker said, looking down at the floor. I nodded my head and started fiddling with my fingers again. We sat there for a few minutes, complete silence. "Um Joker-" "Jack." He blurted before I could finish. "What?" "Call me Jack." He said softly, looking over at me. "Is that your real name?" I asked as he nodded his head. I had no idea what his real name was, and I wasn't going to bother asking because I didn't think he would tell me. I guess it's only fair that if I can call him by his name, he can call me by mine. "Well then Jack, call me Maddie." I smiled at him, and he returned it. It was a normal smile, something I never thought I see Joker-I mean Jack do. I'm seeing a whole different side of the Joker. This isn't the monster, the psychotic murderer Gotham knows. This is his sane side, his more human side. Personally, I like Jack a lot better than the Joker. The look on his face, he looked... worried. I think he wants to keep this in between us. "Don't worry, this is our little secret." I smiled as I got off the bed and walked towards the door. I was stopped when Jack called my name. I turned back around to face him. "Thanks." He said. I smiled at him and walked out of the room. Why am I being so nice to him? What's wrong with me?

I walked back down into the kitchen and was welcomed by Harley. "Hey, where you been?" I asked as I sat down next to here on one of the bar stools at the island bench. "Oh, just causing Batsy a little chaos." She giggled, playing with the blue dip dyed half of her hair. Why would Batman be out now? I looked over at the clock on the wall and realised it was 10:34 pm. Damn I didn't realise it was that early. "Have you had dinner yet?" She asked me, getting off the stool and going over to the fridge. "Um yea." I answered. "You might want to go get changed Maddie, we're going to my club tonight. I have a bit of business to attend to." I turned around to see Jack standing in the doorway with that evil smile planted on his pale face. For some reason, I didn't want to slap the smile off his face this time, for some reason it didn't bother me. There is seriously something wrong with me. "Oh great. Clubs. I love clubs, especially night clubs owned by psychotic clowns." I said sarcastically as I jumped off the stool, walked passed Joker and walked up to my room. As I walked up the stairs I could hear him laughing, like a maniac. Yep, the feelings back again. I wanna slap him. I walked into my room and opened the wardrobe. The clothes I was wearing were covered in my blood from earlier today, so I needed to change. I pulled out a black tank top, black ripped skinny jeans and a dark grey jacket. I got changed and put my converse back on. "Hey Maddie you ready?" I heard Harley call from my door. I walked over and opened it, to see her standing there in a gold and black dress. I hate dresses, and I don't plan on wearing one any day soon. Harley looked me up and down with a confused look. "Um, what are you wearing?" She asked. What kind of question is that? "Clothes." I said plainly. I always wear clothes that cover up my body, jeans, jackets, that sort of stuff. Harley here one the other hand couldn't care less about how much skin she shows. "You realise we're going to a night club right?" Again with the stupid questions. "Yes, now lets go." I smiled, walking past her. I headed down the stairs, Harley following closely behind. At the bottom of the stairs was Jack with his cane. He had a white shirt that was half buttoned up with a holster on top, black pants and black dress shoes. Well this is gonna be fun. Not.

His Angel // A Joker Fanfic //Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon