Chapter Seventeen - Sweet Nightmares

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After talking to Harley for a while i went back into my room, flopped down onto my bed and nearly instantly fell asleep. Suddenly I heard the sound of glass breaking, and I felt a sharp pain in my arm, as if a needle had just been stabbed into it. I opened my eyes and sat up to see what it was, but to my surprise I wasn't in my bedroom. Heck I wasn't even in the warehouse. I was wearing my black leather suit instead of the pajama shorts and shirt i was in before. I looked around the room, it was quite dark with a dim light coming from somewhere. Suddenly I was tied up to a chair, the ropes really tight against my skin. I heard a door open from somewhere and someone walked in. I couldn't see who it was because the room was so dark. But suddenly my heart dropped once I heard their laughter. The laugh when if you hear it you'll either be a dead man or wish you were. The person walked closer, until eventually they were standing right in front of me. I looked up to see electric green hair, pale skin, and big red smile. Joker. Fear ran straight through me, and I could feel tears rolling down my cheek. Why was he doing this? My mind was debating whether this was just me dreaming or if it was actually real. Joker bent over so our faces were in line with each other. With his thumb he wiped my cheeks dry. Then he pulled his silver gun out of his purple jacket pocket, and put the barrel right in between my eyes. I tried to speak, but no words came out. I was a mixture of scared, upset and confusion. He gave me a quick peek on the lips, then smiled his evil smile at me. "Nothing personal doll, it's" Were his last words before he pulled the trigger. I opened my mouth to scream, and surprisingly a scream came out.

"Maddie... Maddie!" My body was being shaken as I quickly opened my eyes to see Jack right in front of me, and Harley standing behind him. I looked around, I was in my room in my bed. So it was just a dream. "Maddie are you okay?" Jack asked me, his hands still on my shoulders from shaking me. I ran my fingers through my hair, still trying to process everything that had just happened. "" I stuttered, but I just couldn't finish. "I what Maddie?" Jack asked, sounding slightly annoyed. "You killed me..." I whispered, unsure if they heard me. Harley and Jack exchanged confused looks. I know it was a dream, but it felt so real. "Maddie, I would never-" "Um, guys." Harley pointed at the window in my room, and Jack and I both looked over at it. It was completely smashed. Did someone break in here while I was having that nightmare? I then quickly glanced over at the bedside table next to the bed, and noticed the piece of paper sitting on it. I reached over and picked it up, and saw that something was written on it. sweet nightmares Angel. Crap. I know who was in here. There's only one person I know who would be able to make me see one of my fears. Scarecrow. "What's that Maddie?" Harley asked, trying to look over Jack's shoulder to see the note. "It was Scarecrow. He came in here and injected me with his fear toxins. That's why the nightmare I had was of..." I trailed off, looking back up at Jack. "Um, I'm gonna go get some stuff to clean the mess up." Harley said quickly, pointing to the broken glass on the floor then quickly running out of the room. Jack sat down next to me on the bed, wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. "Angel, what happened?" Jack turned his head to look at me, but i didn't look back. "You tied me up to a chair, and shot me. Said 'It's just business.'" I answered, still not looking at him. He then gently grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Maddie, you know i would never do that to you. I promised you that i would never let anyone or anything hurt you, including me. Now i'm going to get revenge on that hay sack, make him pay for doing this to you." He assured, the last part sounding a little dark. I smiled at his words and pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his other arm around me and hugged back. "Doll, i want you to sleep in my room tonight, just to be safe." He said as we pulled away. "Since when do you care about safety?" I asked as we both got out of bed, raising an eyebrow. "If it's your safety, i'll always care." He smirked, and i giggled a bit.

We both walked out to his room, our fingers intertwined together. His hands were so warm, i loved it. As we got to his room he stopped in the doorway, letting go of my hand. "You go get comfy, i'm gonna go sleep on the couch." He smiled, turning to leave. "Wait, you're not gonna stay?" I asked, feeling a little nervous when he turned back around. I'm so stupid! "I didn't think you'd want me to." He said, sounding slightly surprised. Honestly, i was surprised with myself too. I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the bed, lied down and looked over at Jack. He took off his shirt, leaving him in his navy blue Arkham pants. I studied his many tattoos, the skull with the jester hat, the smile and the word 'Joker' above it, the 'HA HA HA's, all of them. He must have caught me staring, cause he smirked at me and said "Like what you see doll?". I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You wish." I said, looking up at the roof. "You uh... you got any tattoos doll?" He asked as he walked over to the bed. As a matter of fact, i do. I have a tattoo of angel wings which takes up nearly all of my back. "Um yea. Wanna see?" I asked, sitting up from my lying position. He nodded slowly with a curious look on his face. I turned my back to him and lifted my shirt over my head so he could see the tattoo. "It's beautiful doll." I heard him say as i pulled my shirt back down. I smiled up at him and lied back down, Jack then lying down next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, close enough that our bodies were touching. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. "Night Angel." Jack whispered as he kissed me softly on the head. "Night Jack." I smiled back at him. I then fell into a deep sleep, all cuddled up to Jack. If Jack had left me to sleep in my room i probably wouldn't of fallen back to sleep, but i feel safe in Jack's arms. I don't know why but i just do. When i first met him i absolutely hated the clown, but now that i've slowly gotten to know him i don't hate him anymore. I think... i think i am actually falling for the clown prince of crime.

~Joker's POV~
I slowly opened my eyes and looked to my left to see Maddie still sleeping, her arms around me and her head rested on my chest. I smiled at her and carefully brushed a bit of her hair out of her face, doing my best not to wake her. I stared at her thinking of how perfect she is. Her soft skin, her silky hair, her beautiful shape, perfect. I never thought it would be possible for me to feel this way about someone, but I've slowly learnt to. But Scarecrow, he's threatened my Angel, and he'll pay for that. Today, I'm going to plan out how I can get him back, then tonight me and the boys attack. But I'm going to ask a very good friend of mine to help. Suddenly she stirred a bit and her eyes fluttered open. When our eyes met she smiled sweetly at me. "Morning doll." I smiled as she stretched her arms and yawned cutely. "Hmm morning." She said lazily. She lifted the sheets off of her and slowly sat up. "Today, I have a friend of mine coming over, and we're going to discuss a plan of mine." I said as she got out of bed. "And what plan would that be?" She asks, turning to face me. "A plan to get revenge on Scarecrow." I said with a devilish smile. After I'm finished with him, he'll regret ever going near my Angel. "You really don't have to Jack." She said softly. Oh yes, yes I do. "I do doll, because he hurt my Angel."

His Angel // A Joker Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now