Chapter Twenty Two - Cafe

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It's been three days. Aston has healed and is feeling better now. That's a relief. Jack had bought me a new phone, since my old one got ruined back at Ace Chemicals. At the moment, Jack, Harley, Aston and I were sitting in the living room waiting for Jack's men to bring the van around. "You sure you don't want to come with us doll face?" Jack asked as we heard a car horn coming from outside. "Yea I'm sure." I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek. He's been a lot more affectionate towards me lately, especially when Aston's around. And because of that, Aston isn't really talking to me. But for some reason, it's that's not bothering me as much as it should. Jack walked out the front door and Aston followed closely. "You remember our plan?" I asked Harley as she made her way outside. "Of course." She answered as she walked out and closed the door behind her. The reason I hadn't gone with them to rob the museum is because I had secret plans of my own today. I was going to meet up with Jacob today, and Harley is gonna cover for me. Our plan is I'm going to meet up with my brother at the cafe, and when they're on their way back Harley will message me so I know to leave. If it all works, I will get home before Jack does and he'll never know I was out. As soon as they drove off I ran up to my room and got changed into a pair of black shorts, a grey t-shirt and purple converse. I covered up the tattoo on my neck with some white foundation Harley let me use. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, then grabbed my skateboard i had grabbed from my apartment and ran back downstairs. I had arranged for Jacob to meet me at a cafe close to the warehouse, so I could get back quickly. You gotta admit, it's a pretty smart plan. I walked outside, closed the door behind me and started skating towards town. I could have flown, it would be nice to spread my wings and I haven't flown in a while, but I don't want to risk being seen. Since it is only 9:30 in the morning.

After about 10 minutes of skating I finally arrived at the cafe. I walked inside and spotted Jacob sitting at a booth in the far corner. I haven't been to this cafe before, and it looked really nice. "Hey Jacob." I smiled as I sat down next to him. It's been a while since I've seen my little brother, I'm sure he's been concerned about my where about. "Hey." He sighed. Okay, something's up. "What's wrong?" I asked in a concerned tone. He sighed deeply and looked up at me with hurtful eyes. "You promised Maddie." He said, tears threatening to come out of his eyes. He's going to need to be a little more specific, I've made quite a few promises in my life. "Come again?" I asked, turning my body to face him. "You promised no more criminal stuff." He said, staring me dead in the eyes. How does he- actually come to think of it, since I've been working with Jack and Harley I've made a lot more...public appearances. He must have seen me on the news or something. "It's not like that Jacob. I've been super busy, and I've had to work for someone lately, someone dangerous." I tried explaining without telling too much. If he found out that I am working with the Joker, he'll freak. "Who are you working for?" He asked, sounding a little concerned. "I can't tell you." I sighed, looking down at my lap. "Please don't tell me you're back with that mob again." I was taken back by his words. A few years ago, I was apart of one of Gotham's many mobs. The only reason I joined that stupid mob was because I needed the money, and also because I had nothing better to do with my life. But there was one member of the group that I hated the most; Todd Davis. "No way Jacob. I'm never going back there. No these people are different. But enough about me, how have you been? I asked, leaning back into the booth. There was a bit of relief in his eyes, I guess he was kinda worried about me. He stiffened up a little bit. "Oh nothing really. I've been going out at night with a...friend lately. It's really cool." He said excitedly. I know Jacob doesn't have a lot of friends, so who could it be?

We've been sitting here in the cafe for at least an hour now, and at the moment we're just talking about funny memories we have shared together. "And then remember when he sneezed and the whole card house came down? He was so upset." Jacob said as we were both in a laughing fit, remembering the time when his dad built a house out of playing cards. I remember it took him three hours to build it, then once he was done he accidentally sneezed and the whole thing came down. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled I out. It was Harley telling me they where going to leave soon. Damn, that means I have to go. And we are having such a great time, he's gonna hate it that I have to go. "Who's that?" He asked as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Oh no one, but I gotta go. I really enjoyed this Jacob." I said as I grabbed my skateboard from under the table. A small frown appeared on his face, as did mine. "Oh, okay. When will I see you next?" He asked as I pulled him into a hug. Honestly, I want to see him every day, but I know i can't. Jack would eventually find out, then he won't let me leave the warehouse at all. "I'm not sure, soon hopefully." I pulled away and walked towards the exit. "Bye Maddie." I heard him call as I quickly turned and gave him a small wave. I turned back around and walked out of the cafe. We didn't have anything to eat, so I don't have to worry about paying. I jumped on my board and made my way home. Along the way it started heavily raining. Great, now I'm gonna be soaked. I started to worry if I would get back in time. I finally got back and ran straight up to my room. I got changed out of my wet clothes and put on grey jeans and a black t-shirt. As soon as I finished changing I heard the front door open. I quickly hid my phone in one of the draws on the bedside table and slipped my skateboard under the bed.

I made my way downstairs and found Harley and Aston sitting on the couch. "Hey guys, how was it?" I asked as I sat down next to them. As soon as I sat down Aston wrapped his arm around me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. "Yea it didn't exactly go to plan. We couldn't get the jewels for boss and we got chased out by cops." Aston said. "It was really fun though, shame you didn't come. Why didn't you come?" He asked as he turned to look at me properly. I trust Aston, but I didn't really want to tell him where I went. "I didn't really feel like going out today. I felt like today should be a lazy day for me." I sighed. Harley started giggling next to me, but Aston just gave her a strange look. "Then how come your hair's wet?" He asked as I rested my head on his shoulder. Oh crap I forgot about that. "I uh just had a shower." I stated, looking up at him. "Why did you need to have a shower? You said today was your lazy day." He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Busted." I heard Harley whisper, quiet enough for only me to hear. "Because I like having showers, now enough with the questions." I said, laughing a bit at the end. The other two joined in, but we stopped at the sudden sound of a door slamming shut. Jack stormed into the living room and started barking orders at Aston. He seemed really angry about something. "Go down to the docks with Frost and pick up my delivery." Jack shouted at him. Aston answered with a 'yes sir' and headed towards the garage. Harley and I sat still in our seats, afraid to move or breath wrong in case he would lash out on us too. "Harley go with them, make sure they don't mess anything up." Jack shouted at Harley. She too shot up and walked off the same direction Aston did. Now there was only us two in the house. Jack flopped down onto the couch next to me, sighing deeply. "Rough day huh?" I asked as he looked down at me. A small smile appeared on his face as he pecked me on the forehead. "Just those idiots don't listen to me. I hope your day was better than mine." He sighed. "Yea, mine was pretty good."

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