Chapter Thirty - Dead

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~ Angel's POV~

There was a sharp pain in the back of my head and in my chest, just below my shoulder. My eyes quickly opened and I shot up. My heart rate decreased as I looked around the room. "Maddie!" A familiar voice cried. I looked to my left to see Jack. I looked around me, and i realised i am in my room. There was machines set up around the room and different coloured wires connected to me. "You're alive." He sighed as he walked over to the bed I was lying in. "What happened?" I asked as he sat down on the bed next to me. "Um baby... you died. Twice." He said softly. I did what now?! I briefly remember what happened, Aston had me in a torture room and then he shot me, but I can't remember what happened after that. "Clown say what now?" I said shocked, my eyebrows raised. "Harley called me and told me what Aston was doing, and I came here straight away. As soon as I found you I called my private doctor over here to get the bullet out, since I didn't want to risk it myself. He had to perform a full on surgery on you, and half way through the surgery you stopped breathing for a couple of minutes. It scared me to death. But once i shocked you back alive, a few hours later you stopped again. The doctor thought one more time and you would be gone, but I know my baby's a fighter. And I was right." He explained, carefully wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked down and saw a long stitched line across my chest, where Aston shot me. How could he do that to me? He almost killed me...well, technically he did. I'm still shocked at the fact the I died. Twice. Not just once, but twice. "You okay doll face?" Jack asked. I nodded my head as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Yea. A little shocked, but okay." I said softly.

Jack carefully pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on my head. I rested my head on his chest and sniffled a little. "How long have I been out?" I asked quietly. "Nearly two weeks." He sighed as he played with my hair. Two weeks! First I found out that I died not only once but twice, and then I'm told I've been asleep for nearly two weeks. This day just keeps getting better and better, just full of surprises. "Damn." I chuckled. "Who's been keeping you company then?" I asked, smirking. "As a matter of fact, I've stayed in that very chair the whole two weeks." He smiled proudly, pointing to the chair to my left he was originally sitting in. I lifted my head to look at him, then planted a small kiss on his lips. It makes me feel kinda warm inside to know that Jack stayed here with me the whole time. I'm really starting to think that he likes me too, and maybe me. Is it possible for the Joker to love? Yes, I think it is. I can tell I've changed him a lot, he's a lot more caring now. So I do believe the Joker can learn to love. Jack started kissing me back, very passionately. Small moans escaped from his which made me smirk. After a few minutes we both pulled away, me blushing slightly. "You know I'm going to kill him right." Jack said with his smile. Aston was my friend, but after what he did to me he deserves to die. Wow I'm really starting to sound like Jack and Harley. "I'd be shocked if you didn't." I chuckled.

"Can I come in now?!" Another familiar voice called from behind the door. Jack sighed and called for Harley to come in. She opened the door and ran in over to the bed. "Maddie! Oh my god you're alive! Mistah J wouldn't let me come in here until you woke up." She cried. "All thanks to you Harls. If you hadn't of called J I would definitely be dead by now." I smiled at her. "What a jerk though. I never thought Aston would do something like that." Harley sighed as she sat down on the end of the bed. "He was one of my most trusted men." Jack said sounding slightly annoyed, still playing with my hair. "You're gonna kill him, right Mistah J?" Harley asked. Jack started laughing loudly, then after a bit he calmed down and opened his mouth to speak. "He's going to regret ever laying eyes on my angel." Jack growled. I looked up at Jack to see him staring straight back at me, lust in his eyes. "Um, Mistah J, can  you come help me make dinner for Maddie. I'm sure she's starving." Harley said to Jack as she got off the bed. Jack gave her a strange look then sighed, getting off the bed as well and they both left my room. Why do I have a strange feeling about his?

~Joker's POV~

I followed Harley downstairs and into the kitchen. "What do you want Harley, can't you see i wanted some alone time with Maddie." I sighed as she sat down on one of the bar stools. "Will you just hurry up and tell her." I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asked, crossing my arms. I want to go back upstairs and be with my doll face. She just woke up after everyone thought she was going to die. Let me tell you this, it was close. But Maddie is a strong girl, and i know she wouldn't give up that easily. "I can tell that she loves you, and you told me you love her. So just ask her out on a date and tell her how you feel." Harley explained. I've wanted to tell Maddie for a while now, but i just don't know how. But i think Harley's idea is actually pretty good. I'll have to organise something for Maddie. It has to be good, no it has to be perfect. Everything has to be perfect for my angel. I know, what if i took her out to a fancy restaurant. Yes, that's perfect. Except i can't go as Joker, i'll have to go as Jack Naiper. "I know that, and i have somewhat of an idea. Now, i'm going to go down to the torture room and teach Aston a lesson." I smiled as i left the kitchen. Aston's going to pay big time.

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