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Archangel, Russia. 
Rylan Walton was there in Russia for some archeological work. The problem for him is his sister Megan was there. "Rylan. If you don't visit this place, it's a big failure. You know." She said. "Well, you see I'm finding this guy's fort which was hidden for 60+ years. If I find that I'm gonna be famous." He said. "Bullshit. You know Rylan. This guy you say, he is a fictional character. Just create to make kids scare." She said. "Сэр, собаки собираются там" the fellow Russian friend of Rylan said. "What did that creepo Russian said?" Megan asked. "One thing is he isn't creepo. Second thing is, the dogs are sniffing over there. I think the dogs are way much more better than us."  Rylan chuckles. "Come let's go to Vladimir." He said. "Владимир. Что это такое?" He asked. "собаки нюхает что-то здесь." He said. "What did that creep said?" Megan asked. "Well the dogs are smelling over there. That's what he said." He said. "Hey Vladimir!!" She called him. Vladimir turned his head to Megan. "You speak english? Cause I can't understand you." She said. "Well of course I know English." He said. "Then why in the earth you speak in Russian?" She asked. "Well your brother speaks well." After a few minutes they walked where the dogs are sniffing. "It isn't something like a fort. The dogs might sniffed a bone or something." Megan said. "Vladimir. I think we should go there." Rylan said. "But Rylan I think we shouldn't go over there. It's getting snowy and darker." He said. "Whatever Vladimir." Rylan later turned to Megan. "Are you coming?" He asked. "Yes." She said. Vladimir looked at them. And later left to the camp site.

"Why did you accompany with me?" Rylan asked her. "Well I can't believe that Russian scum." Megan replied. "Don't use bad language against the Russians. They're good people." He said. "Ok. I felt something fishy in that Vladimir. That's why I accompanied you." She said. They later reached where the dogs are sniffing. "Atta boy. What's over there?" Rylan asked his dog. "Aurf." The dog replied. "Ok. Something frozen like a stick." Rylan said. "How come you know that within a single 'aurf'" Megan asked. "Cause you're stomping his hand." Rylan said. Megan looked down. "Eeeeeek." She jumped. "It's a human corpse." She said. Rylan kneeled down and touched his neck. "He isn't a corpse. He is alive. Come help me pick this guy." Rylan said. She agreed with him. They both carried the man to the campsite. Later reaching at the campsite the man was half awake. When he saw Megan's face he said "Elizabeth. You're alive." Megan was frowned. "Rylan where is that Vladimir?" She asked. "I don't know. He was supposed to be here." He said. "I think we are loosing this guy. We should do Something." She said. Rylan nodded. He pressed harder on the man's chest. "Rylan press harder." She said. "Only mouth to mouth respiration works." He said. Rylan looked at his sister. "Why looking at me? Do it." She said. "But," Rylan tried to excused. "Do it." Rylan has no other choice. He did the respiratory thing. Suddenly the man woke up. "Holy smokes." The man said. "Who gave you the permission to kiss me, you git." He asked him. "We were failing you and this was the only option." Rylan said. The man turned towards Megan. "Elizabeth." He said. "Ok dude. I'm not Elizabeth. The name's Megan. Call me meg." She said. "And you wear old people's dress. That is weird." Rylan looked at the man. She was true. He was wearing the dress which 50s people wear. "May I know your name sir?" Rylan asked.  "No time for chit chat. I need to go." He said. "Tell me today's date?" Rylan asked. "Well April 30 1945." The man said. "Can you please tell me your name?" Rylan asked again. "It's Victor. Victor Frankenstein." Rylan was shocked. He looked at Megan. "It can't be." He said. "Well Victor. I have to say something. Welcome to the year 2015." He said. "What? Are you joking? It is 1945. Not 2015." Victor was turning his head. He took the newspaper. He saw the date. April 30 2015. "It can't be. It cannot be 70 years." He said. "Whatever it is vic, you're lucky to be alive." Rylan said. He looked out. "I don't know why Vladimir hasn't reached yet." Rylan said. "Vladimir? Like Vladimir Dragoski?" Victor asked. "Yes. How did you know him?" Megan asked. "We should get out right now. You have a vehicle?" Victor asked. "Well yes." Rylan said. "Then why waiting. Let's get out right now." Victor said.

They left the place. Rylan is in a dilemma whether to believe Victor Frankenstein or not. "Are you that same Victor Frankenstein?" Megan asked. "The one who created something incredibly stupid? Yes. I'm that same guy." Victor said. "How did you trapped in the ice like captain America?" Rylan asked. "Who?" Victor asked. "Well never mind. How did you trapped over there?" He asked. "I was searching that creature. To kill him. But he escaped." Victor said. "Where are we going?" Megan asked. "The nome of the league of owls. Where we will be protected from that mythical being called Dragoski." Victor said.
"Mythical being like what?" Rylan asked.
"Ever heard of lycanthropy?"
"Well, yeah. It was in that movie underworld."
"I don't know what this underworld is but there is a thing called werewolves. And Dragoski is one of them." Victor said. "What?" Megan and Rylan asked together. "Go straight. Then take a turn from the left. We will be reaching soon." He said. "And the one you created, is he with them?" Megan asked. "I don't know. But I'm sure he is still alive." Victor said. "Can you please tell us from the beginning?" Rylan asked. "Well there was this war between the vampires and the werewolves. And my creation was a part in it. He later killed my wife. And I'm still hunting him." Victor said. "And what can we do for you?" Megan asked. "I don't know. We have to reach to the nome."

Later they reached at the nome. "Hey isn't that spooky place in the dark knight?" Megan asked. "A what?" Victor asked her. "Never mind. Who is Elizabeth?" Megan asked. "My wife. She was killed by him." He said. "What kind of creator you're if you don't name your creation." Megan said. Victor sighed. He know that Elizabeth isn't alive. And Megan is just a doppelgänger. A look a like. She is not a carbon copy. Yet he missed her. And their child.
"Prometheus." Victor said.
"Prometheus. That's what I named him."
"That's an old name." Megan said.
"Are you sure that this is the place Victor?" Rylan asked.
"It is. There is a secret hatch in the floor." Victor said. Rylan stomped the floor. He heard a hollow in one place. "I think I found it." Rylan said. He kneeled down and pushed harder to move the secret door. There were stairs and a small light was seen. "There is a light over there. You coming Megan?" Rylan asked. "I don't want to come." She said. "Eliza-um, Megan. Please come with us. It would be good if you're coming with us." Victor said. Megan looked at Victor. Then turned her head to Rylan. "I'm coming." They started walking towards the light. Later they reached at a big hall. "I smell dead here." Rylan said. Victor walked towards the weapon area. "It's been a long time I touched you slick." Victor said. "What?" Megan asked. "This weapon was created by me." Victor said. "Shoot down werewolves, burn vampires. That was a time." Victor said. "Vic, there is nobody here." Rylan said. "Ok. But they will never leave this nome. Because the league of owls were created here." Victor said. "Until they were killed by the rogues." A new voice said behind them. Victor looked back. It was Vladimir Dragoski. "Dragoski." Victor said. "It's been a long time vic. I've been searching you for what? A few decades? Yup. 7 decades. Now it's time we talk."

At last completed the book. Wait for the 2nd part the creator which is in both Matthew's and Victor's POV.

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