The Creation

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Well here begins the adventure. Victor was sure on one thing. Electricity could work out in organs. Bringing life could be simple. But what he needs is a best assistance. All he could see was Igor. The perfect guy for the mission. Well all Victor thought about was will Igor be perfect for the mission. The day he bought Igor, Victor made him his guinea pig. Well in the previous chapter we studied about the suckinator prototype 25. Igor was the first living human whom Victor tested. It became a succeess. But then he noticed one thing. He cant stand properly. He was like a new born trying to walk. 'His posture isnt right' Victor thought about it. 'Well Igor, lie dowb for a while.' He went back to the machinery lab. All he found was a harness. 'This would make him walk.' Victor thought about it. Victor brought it back. And he fitted it in Igor. Igor, at first tried hard to stand up. Then he got up like a normal man. 'Eureka..' Victor shouted. 'Eureka what sir?' Igor asked him. "It became a success." Victor said. "You see Igor, you could walk right now." Victor said. "Well thank you sir. Do you think people from the circus recognize me?" Igor asked in a sympathical way. "Well they would understand who you are unless it you dont bath." Victor said. "What sir?" "If you don't bath, people will recognize you. So go left, that's your room, there would be a bath tub and don't forget that you should clean yourself properly. And don't come to my secret basement when I'm not here." After saying this Victor went to the right where his room was situated. Igor was frowned. The guy freed him. And he is giving him a place to live. Igor liked that guy's attitude for help. But how much days should he live with Victor. He went straight to the room which Victor told. He bathed for the first time. For him having a bath in Victor's home was like bathing in the heaven. After the bath Igor went to sleep. The bed was so comfy. It was the first time he was sleeping in the bed. Next day Igor woke up a little bit late. When he got out of his room the first thing he did was searching Victor. He didn't find Victor, but he found a note.
Today I'll come late today because I have an important class. So if you want to meet the girl who was injured go to the hospital in baker street or be at home till I return.
Reading this Igor thought of the trapeze artist. Her name was Marie. He thought of going to baker street. He went to the hospital which she was admitted. Marie was always a love interest of Igor. She was alright, Igor wanted to call her form her sleep, but thought of not calling her. Then he left the hospital. 'Something is following me.' He thought. It was the same guy who was at the circus. He was following the steps of Igor. When Igor looked back there was nothing. 'Its just a feeling' Igor thought. Then he walked to Victor's house. When he came back Victor was at home. 'Your late Igor.' Victor said. 'I'm sorry.' Igor said. 'Well it's alright. Come, the food is ready." Victor shows the dining hall of his house. They sat and started eating food. For Igor using knives and forks was an experience. He tried a lot. But everything became a failure. Seeing his failure Victor laughed. And at last Igor used 2 hands for eating the food. Suddenly Victor's facial expression changed. 'Igor..' Victor called him. 'Yes.' 'Use your right hand for eating purpose.' Victor said. Igor did what Victor said. "Well Igor, I'm trying to do a great project in the history of mankind." Victor said. "And what is the project?" Igor asked. "Preventing death." Victor said. "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me, will live, even though they die.'" Igor said. "John 11:25." Victor said. "They have to die if they want immortality. Eternal life in heaven. Rubbish. Igor. Together we could create life and a path to immortality." Victor said. Igor was looking at him. Till yesterday, he was a caring guy. But today he look like a monster.  "Igor, come with me." He walked. Igor followed him. Victor took him to the lab. There were live electric animals like eels. "This is the Lab of life." Victor said. "Where you can give life for the dead." Igor was like shocked. He was seeing my birth place as a hell. Full of wires. He was actually scared.  "Don't be afraid. Come with me." He held Igor's hand and went to a body. "This is my project. Prometheus." He showed my body which was complete in some ways. "If we generate him, he could swim deep into an ocean. Have a backup heart. If I could create one hundred more of them, I could create an entire army to attack England." Victor said. "Invade England?" Igor asked. "Just kidding. If I could do this, we could make more money. But what we need was money. The money I had was over because I freed you." Igor looked with him in respect. "What can I do for you Victor?" He asked. "We need to make a prototype one named 'hades.' If he is a success, then we could get a benefactor. That's why I was searching for the animal anatomical parts." Victor said. "Anatomical parts? Victor, why can't we wait for a while get the money?" Igor asked. "Well you're right. If I wait at least for five months I would get money." He paused for a second. "Nice idea Igor. But one thing. We need to smuggle these parts to Russia." Victor said.
"Why Russia?"
"Because there situated the Frankenstein fort. My family fort. Until the time comes, we need to suggest these things to Russia and make sure nobody notices." Victor said. Igor nodded. Then they started their next work for the revival of my self.
---------------------------------------------ZT note:
Hey guys,
Sorry for the late update. Hope you'll like this chapter. If you like it please hit in the star. Or if you don't like it please comment here for what you expected.

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