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He was an intelligent guy. Did you guys see the movie 'Victor Frankenstein.' Well you guys might think im a fictional character. How could I know a movie about my creator. Im real. Real means real. This story is a favour to my friend who helped me. Well it all started in the streets of London. Victor was searching for that voodoo who prophecised about him when he was going to be born. All he found out was the voodoo was in the streets of London. Ine weekend Victor thought of visiting the voodoo. He went to the streets of London. When he walked through the streets he suddenly heard a voicr speaking to his head. 'Go left Victor.' At first Victor thought it might be an illusion. But the voice again speaked in his head 'Its me who you need to see Victor. So, go right.' Then Victor went through the wqys which the vouce told. Atlast he reached at the voodoo's place. Seeing the voodoo he was shocked. Well how to describe this shock? Well all i could say is you dont know any news about the hollywood for few months. Then all of a sudden you saw the trailer of the new mummy movie. Then you guys see is Tom Cruise starring the mummy. Well its sort of like that. I was shocked hearing Tom Cruise was the actor of The Mummy. Well back to the story. The voodoo was like 25 years old. 'You have a question about my age huh Victor?' She asked. 'Well ofcourse people ages. Im not immortal. My powers are.' Victor asked only one question. 'Are yoy a virgin?' Well the expression of the voodoo was 'Does this stupid knucklehead doesnt know that Im virgin' look. 'No. Ofcourse no. I hook up with 50 peoples a day😠. Of course you fool, im a virgin.' The voodoo shouted at him so angrilly. Then she became so calm. 'I know why you came here Victor. To know your future predicted by my great grand mother about you. Many prophecies can be prevented. But yours cant be prevented.' She said 'Why only me. Why Im the only one who has the power to bring back from the dead?' Victor asked to that voodoo. 'God cant grant powers like bringing back dead to the world to a mere mortal like you. It will be dangerous. You have to create it rather than recieve it.' The voodoo said. 'How could I gain powers like that? You said god couldnt give powers like that.' Victir said to the voodoo. 'I dont know Victor. You should know what my feelings is Victor. I hate this job. Giving prophecies ti mortal which is going to happen after alots of years. Yoy came here fir your prophecy. Here it is,

he prophecy:
Heir of Frankenstein
Return of the kin
Kills everyone he loves
Immortal beings will intereupts his birth
He kills the greatest of them.
Hearing this Victor asked only ine question 'Only this?' 'What? You want more?' Voodoo asked him. 'I thought the prophecy was much about myself. This is about my creation, right? He should face it. Whats my role? Heir of Frankenstein shit, father still believe Henry-' then he froze. 'I need to bring back Henry to life.' 'What, your going to bring back your dead brother?' The voodoo asked. 'I have resources for his revival. I could use his brain and heart for bringing him back to life.' 'The guy died a few years back. How could you-' Victor cut her off. 'My brother donated his heart and brain to the royal society of London for studies. This prophecy isnt about me, its about him. I must get going.' Victor said. 'One thing you shall remember is he will destroy everything you loved.' The voodoo said. Well what to do.... Victor was intrested in bringing me back. At the Royal Society of London, Victor was exhibiting a new equipment to Pr.Deanstroww. Pr.Dranstroww was the favorite teacher of Victor because he supported in gis ways of medical science*.

《Narrator's note: except me》

'Victor, are you saying that the hunch of the hunchback is nothing but a fluid?' Pr.Deanstroww asked Victor. 'Well yes. Infact we could suck that fluid using this.' He took an equipment. To describe that equipment, it has a injection like pin and an big tube for sucking the fulid. 'I call this the suckinator prototype 25.' Victor said. Yhen he brings the body of a hunchback as a test subject and injects the suckinator prototype 25 on his hunch. Slowly the hunch was reducing its size. It became the size of a back of a normal people. People like us. 'This is the greatest equipment in the world. We could cure all the hunchbacks and create the world a better place with no physical disabilities. Did you took the patent of this machine Victor?' Pr.Deanstroww asked. 'No sir. I havent took the patent of the machine sir.' Victor replied. 'Why? You dont wish to create a world woth no disabilities?' Pr.Deanstroww asked Victor. 'Every one wishes for that sir.' Victor replied. 'Sir, do you know the place where you store the preserved organs of human body?' Victor asked. 'Well ofcourse Victor. Why did you asked that?' Pr.Deanstroww asked him. 'Well I need a few researches about the human brain and heart.' Victor replied. 'Well then. Come with me.' They walked through the corridors of the Royal Society. The corridors of the College was spooky. Atlast they reached the storage room. They entered the storage room and checked the anatomical organs. Victor was looking for two special organs. He searched the whole showcase. The atlast he found it. It wrote 'The Property Of Henry Frankenstein Jr.' 'Proffessor...' Victor called. 'Yes.' 'I think i found my specimen.' Pr.Deanstroww came near to him. 'Henry Frankenstein Jr. Are you sure you want this specimen son?' Pr.Deanstroww asked. 'Well yes. Why sir? Any problem?' Victor asked Pr.Deanstroww. 'Well the matter of fact is yes. The owner of this specimen came to meet me personally saying that if he died he would give his organs like heart and brain to preserve here but dont give anyone the specimen for studies. That was a long time ago. Take it Victor. Study it.' Pr.Deanstroww said. Later after the program Victor went to his apartment. Calling it an apartment isnt good. It more like laboratory. Full of anatomies of different animals and all. He was an anatomy geek. All time he take a dead body of an animal, then he cut it and stiched it again. Well he do like this for getting some ideas. He had 4 electric eels as his pets. When they sparkle their electricity Victor always thought of sucking that energy. He already made a new toy which sucks the electricity of the eels. 'What can I do with 2,600 vatts?' Victor always thought about it. The an idea struck to his mind. 'Why cant we use the electricity to work out the organs?' He took his tools. The electra suckinator which sucks the eels electricity and an ape's pair of eyes*.

《Narrator's note:told you he is an anatomic geek.》

Then he used some copper wires and connected in the back side of the eyeballs (eww... that gross) and he collected the electricity of the eels. He uses the electra suckinator's energy connected with the copper wire and led the energy flowed on it. Suddenly the eyes got opened. Atfirst Victor was confused. 'Am dreaming?' Victor thought that. Then he found out that the copper wire transferred the energy for few seconds. In this experiment Victor was confident. But there was only one thing he doesnt have. The man who he saw in his dream back five years. Igor. Well after the experiment Victor thought of going to the circus which was opened the previous week. Which changed his life. After reaching the circus he was laughing at the performance of the hunchbacked clown. He was beated up by a Tarzan-looking dude. At first Victor thought it was all part of the play. But suddenly he looked the facial expressions of the tarzan dude. It was hate. Hate and is happy to beat him till his death. Victor feel pity for the clown. The next performance was the trapeeze act. Everyone got tensed. There is a rule in every circus act. It was when youre going to finish dont believe Im done, my work is over. It makes you feel over-confident. Then youll die before you finish the act. That was happened to the beautiful lady in the trapeeze. All of a sudden the the artist falls. Everyone gasped. Victor rushed over there. The Tarzan dude blocked him. 'Im a physician.' Victor said. After hearing that Victor was a physician he moved back. The hunchbacked clown was there near to the artist. When Victor examined her the bone between the neck and chest was broken. 'The bone was broken. She cant breath.' Victor said. The hunchback was shocked hearing this. 'Do yoy have a pocket watch, sir?' The hunchback asked Victor in a tensed voice. 'I dont give my pocket watch-' the hunchback cut him off. 'Give it.' He ordered Victor. Victor gave him his pocket-watch. The hunchback kept the pocket watch behind the bbroken bone. Seeing this Victor said 'Wait. Her arm was also broken. Giving a force attack might recover the other injurues too.' Victor said. Victor corrected the position of the broken arm. The hunchback give a punch which you see in Dwayne Johnson's punch in the ff series. Suddenly, her broken bone in between the neck and the chest of the woman was corrected. Also her arm too. 'Are you a medical student?' Victor asked him. 'No sir.' The hunch back replied. Yet Victor doybted him. A non medical student cant do this dry surgery. 'You should leave this goddamn circus.' Victor said. 'What sir?' The hunchback asked. 'Leave this goddamn circus.' Victor said. 'Your being wasted here. Come join me. Toghether we could change the world.' Victor said. Well what happened next is simple. The hunchback left the circus. Well with the help of the great brat Victor. Well the ringmaster and the hunchback was in a big fight. Well fight leads to big problems. 'You son of a cowardly-' Victor stopped him. He gave few diamonds for his release. Well what do you think of Victor. He is a rich guy. He gave diamonds to the ringmaster. Then he  and the hunchback went back to Victor's house. Well there was one guy looking at them. Who he is ? No idea to them. When Victor integrated him one thing he knew was the guy has no memory of his previous life before the circus and he doesn't have a name. When they came to the labo-house of Victor, he said 'If anyone ask you what your name is, say this name.' 'What name sir?' The hunchback asked. 'Igor...'


ZT's note

This is the lamest and the longest chapter Ive ever written. Well you guys know it. The creation scored 49... yay... Well all i need is your support for this novel. Until then ZT

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