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It's the year 2019. The world was the same. No improvements. Stupid leaders take in charge of the country and all. Politics never changes. The Van Tech CEO Abraham Van Helsing Jr was looking through some files. Suddenly one of his guards came in side his office. "Sir. He is awake." The guard said. Abraham looked at his guard. "I'm coming. Make sure he never changes." He said. "Yes sir." Then the guard leaves. Things never changes in the Van Helsing family. They always hunt those who tried to destroy the world. Abraham opened his drawer. He took some syringes with him. He later walked down towards building's basement. Like batman. He enters the elevator and goes down. His mind was barbering things. He never took care of it. Later he reached the basement. It was a cave like place. Before making this building it was his ancestral manor. Villa Helsing. The basement was used by all generations of his family. When he found out that his family were paranormal hunters(to him) he believed that the legacy should continue. Living at the penthouse, which is at the top of the building with the memories of his late beloved wife Martha, he still lives. (He is like Bruce Wayne.) He reached at the basement. It wasn't the same when his namesake Abraham Van Helsing was. It was quite large and spookier. A man was in a chair. Arms got strapped. Legs too(forgot to mention). "Welcome, you witch hunter." The man spoke. "Gerald! Did you gave the dose to him?" Abraham asked to his loyal bodyguard who is also a hunter like him. "No sir." He said. Abraham slapped him. "He is a paranoid. You should dose him." Saying this Abraham rushed towards the guy. He inserted a syringe into his arm. The guy inhaled. "How do you doing Hyde?" Abraham asked. "Not Hyde. It's Jekyll." The man said. "Well doctor, how do you feel?" Abraham asked. "Same as I felt for past few decades." He said. "I'm sorry for Martha, Abraham." The man cried. "It's not your fault Jekyll. It's Hyde's fault." Abraham said. "Even though he is my failed creation for a strong generation." The man, Jekyll, said. "Ok Jekyll. I need some  answers for few questions. Are you good with that?" Abraham asked. "About the monster, right? Yes it is true. But don't take grudge on him. He is way too far powerful than any other human." Jekyll said. "He isn't human." Abraham said. "But he has a soul. That makes him a human." Jekyll said. "Thank you Jekyll. What can I reward you for this information?" Abraham asked. "Kill me." Jekyll said. Abraham took a gun. He aimed at Jekyll's head.
Jekyll died.
"Make sure you leave the body in a deserted place, Gerald." Abraham said. "But what are you going to do boss?" Gerald asked. "I'm gonna hunt him down."

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