The Revival

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13th September, 1929. Its a Friday. The day I was born. For the last day preparations he created some spaces for an extra lungs and hearts. You guys heard of back up power right? The primary heart is my main power. The secondary heart is just for back up. That's all. And the lungs. They act as my life support under water. Sounds cool. And my powers are like double S.W.A.Ts. You guys know S.W.A.Ts right? They are the special commandos of USA. Like black ops. Ok. So back to the preparations.  The day before my birth Victor got married. Later, Elizabeth stayed in Abe's home. And Victor and Abe went to Russia. Igor was there. Fixing the electro suckinator. Yes. He is like the doofy dude in phineas and ferb. The dude who say inator inator for his every inventions. Who see cartoons nowadays. Only this dead guy loves cartoon. So Victor took this electro suckinator to Abe. "What's this?" He asked to victor. Victor smiled. "This is called Electro Suckinator. This sucks electricity if the eels." He said.
"Eels?" Abe asked.
"Yes eels. Three eels could make him perfect." Victor said. "An eel could charge around 350-400 volts of electricity. That's good for him." Victor said. "Igor, please come here." Victor called him. Igor rushed to him. "Igor. Meet Abraham Van Helsing. Abraham, Igor." And gave a hand to him. Igor was quite confused. "Igor. Give your right hand to Abraham." Victor said. "He is quite new to this Abraham. So you may find little weird on his character. Igor. What is our boy doing?" Victor asked. "Well he is quite dead, Victor." Igor said. Victor nodded. "Now, who want to see Henry back to the world?" Victor asked. "I do. But what did you done with the heart given by John?" Abe asked. "Well no worries for that. I did what I have to do. Now Sahal we begin?" Then they started the preparation of my arrival. "Igor, you handle the mechanics." Victor said. "What about you Victor?" Igor asked. "I need to see him for one last time." Then he walked straight to me. He whispered to my that time dead ear. "I'm gonna bring you back, brother." Saying this he joined with Igor and Abe. "Igor, start the preparations right now." He said. Igor nodded. Then he started turning one of the button over the mechanical instruments. "Mission Prometheus begin in five, four, three, two, one, zero." Suddenly something like a metal box covered me. "Process rising to 10 percent." He said like what Howard Stark said in Captain America. You got the seen. But in 90 percent something happened. They all heard a growl. "Victor, I think we should stop." Igor said.
"No. Don't stop. If you stop, everything's going to be in vain. Go on, Igor. Do the rest." He said. Igor looked at him. "It's all for your brother right? You loved him and what did he did for you? A brat to your own parents." Igor said. "You're going to bring a monster, Victor. This creature isn't made in a holy hand. So he is a unholy creature." Victor was in rage. "You shut up and step aside." He went forward and pushed Igor. Igor was also angry. But he wanted to stop him. But it was too late. The machine exploded. Eels got fried themselves up. But Abe wasn't interested in any of those. He was interested in Igor. Soon the explosion happened, I was born.
All I could remember was a war and a child's face. The war was cool. I was fighting like a gladiator. Then the child was sappy. And at last I was drowning. And I suddenly opened my eyes. It was dark. But suddenly the box was open. I woke up as nude. (What did you expect to be rather than nude. All babies come to life as nude). My skin was light green. It made me look like I was a less humanish more monster. I woke up and three people. One was running away. Another two looked at me like I was just something like holy grail. I took a breath. Which was quite annoying. It's like I was consuming more air. Of course I had two sets of lungs. "He is not Henry, Victor. He is different. What did you did with Carter's heart Victor?" The dude looking at his late forties asked the young guy in twenties. The young guy was walking towards me. "I could sense him. He got that DNA e aura." He suddenly touched me. His face was familiar. It was like that boy before I fell into the water. I dunno what to do. Whether to touch him back or attack him. All I did was I lunged on him. "Aargh" I roared.  Suddenly the other dude roared. "Leave the boy you filthy monster." He took a crossbow with him and a vial of water. "Wretched soul. Leave the body as soon as possible." Saying this he threw the vial at me. The vial broke and the water make sure the skin to be normal like you guys. That part of the body changed to human colour. Normal white skin. And my aim was that vial. I straight lunged to the old man.  The man shoot at me thrice. But I was like winter soldier. Ran towards him to complete the mission. "Henry.... No....." the twenty dude said. That made my aim to somewhat shit. I heard that name. The kid yelled that name in my dream. That drowning dream. Who is Henry? That time the old man shoot at my leg. And I lie down. What? If someone shoot you down you guys lie down. The arrows were quite painful. Then the old man and the young dude ran away. And me, feeling cold because I was naked. When they left I looked anything which was quite warm. I found a box. I tried to open it, but no I can't. At last, with the remaining anger, I threw the box away. At last the box opened. And I found some wired material which suits to my body. This was the first introduction to the clothing style.
Abe was riding as fast as he could. "You created a monster." He said to Victor. "Where is Igor?" That's what came in Victor's mouth. "I've got something weird about him, victor. How long did you know him?" He asked. "Why asking those questions Abraham? Henry needs help." Victor said. "He is not Henry, Victor. Henry died 10-20 years back. What did you done with Carter's heart Victor and also I need to know more information about Igor." He said in an angry manner. "Let bis reach home. I'll answer all your questions." But Abe was angry. "You see, it's the matter of life and death. You may not know the consequences but I know. I'm going to finish what you started." He said. "Abraham. We need a plan. There would always a plan to eradicate someone. I'm giving you the right to kill him." Victor said.
"What about you?" Abraham asked. There were only silence in his face. "You can't kill him right? Victor, there is no Henry in him." Abe said. "Look I lost him. I can't lose him again. And you saying me to kill him? I can't." Victor said. "Well, I made up my mind. You are going to witness this death if your monster. Whether you like it or not." Saying this he steered back to Frankenstein fort. Well here the battle starts. A battle for the survival. My survival. It begins here. When they came back, I was already running. Seeing me Abe shoot some arrows from his crossbow. It was quite painful. I knew the pain of poison mixed with holy water. Nice trick Abe. But the pain didn't felt my body. I was running. Like I was doing it forever(past is past dude. Now also I'm running.) I ran away to the hills. I was running. The green dude running isn't a funny fact. I went to the river. I looked my face. It was quite a mixture of green and pale white skin. I took the arrows which Abe shot me. Then I lied down. As I lied down, I was asleep.
ZT's note:  now Prometheus is here revealing some incidents of his past life. Soon immortal series book one will be in its end. I always accepts some changes from you guys. What will Abraham and Victor's next step to destroy Prometheus. Where is Igor. Wait till next update. Until then
ZT boy

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