The letter of Henry

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Well from my findings I found some evidence of Igor. It all started in august 13 1917. Dont be afraid. Its a monday, not a friday. Victor was 18. He took a day off to celebrate his own birthday. Je went to the streets of London. He telegraphed his family and he got a telegraph of Elizabeth too.
The telegraph:
Dear Victor
At first happy birthday, secondly mother is very ill. She always believe in you my love. She always believe what you do is always right. She wanted to see you but your not coming back home. You always say that you never have leave but please come. It will please her. Will you come my love? Mother and I only wait for you. Please come Victor. It will please the both of us.

With love

By reading this letter Victor wishes to go home. At that day he saw a poster of a circus which will be arriving next month. At that day he decided to go back home. He applied for leave. And he got leave for a week. At that day night he reached home. 'Father isnt there.' He thought. And he was right. Father has rushed to Russia that day. He was welcomed by Elizabeth by a long kiss. Victor always thinked that never leave her lips. But he has to see his mother. He rushed to his mother. 'Victor..' his mother called him. 'Mother... Dont be afraid. Im here.' He calmed his mother. 'Madame, do I leave to my room.' Elizabeth asked. 'Elizabeth,how many times I need to say call me mother. Well yes dear you can go now.' Victor's mother replied to her with a pleasant smile. She left the room. 'Poor child, that Elizabeth. I took care of her in her childhood, yet she calls me madame and take care of me like a daughter. I know about your relarionship of her Victor.' She said to Victor with a cunning smile. 'You know?' Victor asked. 'Well I witnessed both of your first kiss.' His mother replied. 'What you witnessed?' 'Well your first kiss. What?? It isnt a big issue. You love her and you want her. Now thats a talk for another day. Now I need to give you some old bunch things of Henry.' She stopped. 'Why you're giving me now?' Victor asked. 'Your brother gave me some few letters to me saying if he died before you turned to 10. And he was right. He died before you turned to 10. So here it is.' She handed over the things to Victor. 'Its nice to have his things back.' Victor said. 'She is waiting for you in her room. Go. Spend some time with her.' Madame Frankenstein said to Victor. Victor nodded. Then he rushed to Elizabeth's room. He first knocks her room. She opens. When Elizabeth opened her door she saw Victor. They both locked their eyes each other. Victor leaned over her. Their lips were so close. Atlast they kissed again. Then they kissed again and again. Both of them kissed again and again. They eventually (argh... I cant say this part.. Victor😠. Well you guys know it.) While they were in the bed she asked 'When will you marry me?' 'Soon.... Let me complete my studies and internship. Then all will be in our hands. We could move to Russia and live there in the rest of the life.' He touched her dark brown curls and then kissed her. Did I ever mention Victor's appereance? No,right. Well what kind of narrator/creation I am. Didnt mention his appereance. Well he has white hair. And he used to grow it and make a pony tail of it. Like Russians. But his face is like more brithish features. Like his mother. His beard was wild. Wild like the lions mane. His eyes were the prettiest thing. It was sea green. Sea green. When it sparkles a radiant of joy acrosses every one. The next day Victor went to the cemetery to visit Henry's grave. And before Henry someone was there. 'Papa'  Victor was shocked to see his papa near Henry's grave. 'Henry my son how do you do? I believe your fine. Son I cant handle Victor because he believes that I believe your death is caused by Victor. Poor chap. I gave him a hard life. But in this age I cant lead him to good. If you were alive I would hope you would lead him. But lord took you away from us. Please forgive me from heaven if you are mad at me for blaming Victor for everything.' After saying this he left. Victor reached to Henry's grave. He remain silent for few hours. He came back to senses when some one called him. 'Still mourning for him,chap.' Abraham Van Helsing was behind him. 'Oh its you. Its been-' Abraham cut off Victor '18 years. Yes, its a long journey. Your studying for medicine right.' 'How in the hell you know that?' 'My all eyes are in you kid. Im your god father.' Victor was shocked. 'How? How could you be my unknown godfather?' He asked. 'You got some letters from your mother, right?' Abraham asked Victor. 'Yes' Victor replied. 'Read those letters, ok. Henry would written alot about my adventures and how we met. We will meet next time kid. That time you need my help.' After saying this he left. 'What work do you do? Mr.' Victor asked. 'Im a hunter,kid. A wild hunter.' After saying this he vanished. Victor rushes to his house. He went to his room and examine one letter of Henry.
Letter of Henry

Dear Victor

When you read this letter I might not be there to guide you in life. This letter is about the prophecy of you. This prophecy is once told by a voodoo with prophetic powers. I was fascinated by her prophetic skills, then Abraham and myself went to visit her. Abraham Van Helsing was a doctor and also a mentalist. He could understand what people desires and he make some money using his gift he had. (Abe was also a hardworking kid during our childhood. His family history... Dont go more on his history because his you cant understand any of it.) What that voodoo prophecised  was about you. You have the power to bring back death. She prophecised another thing that if he will bring back someone from death, he would be infamous all around the world.

Dear brother, whatever you do, dont try ti bring some one back to death. Its for your sake.

With love Henry.....


Victor read that letter till his leave. Its time for Victor to go back to London. He gave a good bye kiss to Elizabeth and his mother. He looked for his father but he didnt find him. 'Dont worry.' Elizabeth said. 'He will be fine if you came back once and for all.' Victor thought of it too. Then he went back to London with more questions in his minds.


Author's note

Well vote for this chapter.... Coming chapters will be more about Victor and Igor.....

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