Victor Frankenstein

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It all started when Victor Frankenstein brought me to life...Forgot to introduce myself...My name is the Frankenstein monster.This story is about my creation and the man who created me...Most of the people thinks that Im a monster who has no soul and kills his creator for his wife. No.... This book is all about what really happened for real. It all started when Victor met Igor. The story of Igor is unknown to Victor. But yet he is fascinated by Igor's contribution of medical field. This story is about Victor Frankenstein and his begining of his life.
At 1909 august 13. It was a friday.. Yeah friday 13 a bad day... Mr.Henryk 'Henry'Percival Frankenstein Sr was expecting a second child at that period...Mr.Frankenstein was a superstitious person. His first son Henry Frankenstein Jr was a normal child. About Mr.Frankenstein he is half russian half brithish but his accent is more like the russian peoples accent. He was the president of the Russian society in London. Being a famous person he has no intrest in science like his wife Lady Frankenstein. Lady Frankenstein was born on a wealthy english family who is disgraced of her being an only girl child in the family. Yet they gave her education. He was married to Mr.Frankenstein because he was a successful business man and a popular man all among Europe. When Victor was born on that date Mr.Frankenstein was freaked out than his wife. At the hospital when Mr.Frakenstein was praying to lord not be the devil's child. Well I believe lord never heard him.

St.Mary Hospital-Aug 13 friday 1909

'Mr.Frankenstein' the nurse called...
'Yes' Mr.Frankenstein.. 'Your wife gave birth to a baby boy'... Henryk was scared..he asked 'Is my wife have any problem' 'Not at all sir.. She is completely fine.' Henryk breath out with pleasure. After sometimes little Henry jr comes to see the baby...Henryk was furious because the baby was born in an unholy date. 'What name shall we put for you, you little bastard??' 'Father..' Henry shouted... 'Why did you call him a bastard... He is our blood father' he said. 'Yet he is born-' 'I know, father. Just because he was born in a, what do we say; ahh the people stupid belief, you shouldnt show cruelity to Victor.' 'Victor? Who is Victor, son' Henryk asked.. 'Grandpa Alphonso always wished to name you Victor,but grandmother didnt... So i name him Victor Henryk Percival von Frankenstein.' Henry said... 'Well good decision for a 15 year old... When you get older you will handle my business better than me. May god bless you with great knowledge about life and business.' Henryk said.....

(10 years later 1919-june-13)

'Come on Henry...You're just 25 but you walk like an old man.' Victor said...

《Narrator's note(*): the date was a friday..expect some stars to find interesting facts about Victor and Igor》

'Patience, brother...Its the best medicine for the professionals.' Henry said. 'Papa would come today right Henry?' Victor asked 'Of course he would come. He is bringing the old famous Russian family with him.' he said. 'Who is this Russian family?' Victor asked. 'Well papa had a good friend in Russia who was rich and loyal to tsar dynasty. Papa wasnt a fan of tsars,yet he is one of them.' Henry said. 'HELP US....' somebody screamed.
'Did you heard that voice Henry??' Victor asked Henry.. 'Victor, go fetch some people to help them..' 'What about you?' Victor asked. 'Just do what I said. Now go call anybody for help.' Victor ran to the church for help. 'Father...Father...' Victor called Father. 'What is it my child & where is Henry?' Father asked. 'A boat is drowning in the river and Henry went for help. Please Father help us too.' Victor said. 'Alright. I will arrange sone mens to the river bank.' Father said.

When they reached in the river bank some people survived. 'Where is Henry?'
Victor looked for him in lots of places, but he couldnt find him. Poor chap, if he is missing in the 21st century we could track his mobile phone, but what to do. 20th century.. if I explained what is 20th century it will take another book. So lets go to the main part. Victor wandered in the river banks, but he cant find nor see Henry. The people who was with little Victor was also searching for Henry. 'Victor....' a man with them called. Victor and Father went to the man. Along with the man there was a body too. 'He is gone Victor.' The man told this while sobbing. 'Our Henry is gone.' When little Victor heard this his heart was broken. He rushed to the body of Henry. 'Henry, wake up. Dont play games with me. Father is here with us. Come on, Henry wake up. Wake up Henryyyyy.' Little Victor sobbed. In his dying will (the fact he always tell to his family) that his heart and brain should be preserved for medical science. And his wish was fulfilled by his family. The Russian family was dead during the war of Russia. The only heir of the Family was Elizabeth Skarsgardo Lavenzo. Mr.Frankenstein despite the death of his son Henry jr, adopted Elizabeth. Victor was alone in his room. 'Do you mind if i sit in your seat.' Victor look back. It was Elizabeth. 'Oh, its you. Whats your name by the way?' 'Elizabeth. Call me lizzy. Your very sad today' she said. 'Well my brother died. I made him die.' 'Dont feel the guilt. Its your emotions making you like this.' Lizzy said. 'Control your emotions. Dont let  the emotions control your mind.' Hearing this Victor was energised. But still his mind was full of Henry. How he would face his father by saying Henry told me to bring some people to rescue some people in the boat. After tge people left Victor heard his father's voice in the hall. 'I should have shown no mercy to tye child. Henry said Victor, this Victor that. What happened. He died in the same day. 13th friday. He is not our child Caroline. He is the child of devil.' Mr.Frankenstein said. Hearing this Victor was angry. But he cant show his anger to Mr.Frankenstein because he is not only his father but also a benefactor of hus studies too. At that day night Victor visited Henry's grave.

《Author's note》

As this is my first novel I belive you people love my theme. Some people may not love this novel. For the next chapter I have some ideas. Wait for next weekend.

Zack Talos☺

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