Well, I'm A Pretty Little Liar.

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I tracked his smell. It was in a villa. I climbed the walls to enter that house. Apparently, when I got inside the villa, I saw a woman, holding her belly which was slightly swollen. Or might be pregnant. I got fallen for her. I don't know why this feeling happened to me, but I completely fall for her. I can't say this part. I want to know her name. I thought of meeting her next day. I planned my revenge on Victor shooting me later. Next day, the house was full of black. Unfortunately, every one find out Van Helsing dead, but the body isn't found. So every one  was there. I waited for 1 day, 2 day and so on. Later after a week, the pregnant woman and another woman was walking towards the market. I was following her. Later she was arguing with a merchant for a cloth. The guy was saying in French. She was saying in partial French partial English. That was the best chance to meet her. I walked towards her. "Hey brother. What's the matter?" I asked to the French dude. "Well this lady over there, is muttering something. This cloth is 55 pounds. And this woman isn't paying that." The merchant said. "And what's your problem ma'am?" I asked to that woman. "This man over there is selling this piece of shit for 55 pounds. This material is fake." She said. I said the same to the merchant. "Well sir, please check all by yourself." He handed over the cloth to me. I touched that material. It was soft. Smooth. Silky. But there was some roughness in the cloth. "It's fake." I said with a evil smirk. "No sir. It's not fake." The merchant said. "You have two choice. Give this fake cloth to this lady for twenty pounds. Or leave this market in shame." I said in a serious tone. "Ok. You win milady." He accepted the twenty bucks. Later the merchant left. "Well thank you for you're help, Mr?" She asked. "Prometheus." I replied. "Ok. Well thanks Prometheus for your help. Your French helped me a lot. How did you learned French?" She asked. Well knowing other languages is an ability. I never learned them. "Well it's my second language." I lied. "May I know your good name miss?" I asked her. "Well it's Elizabeth Frankenstein." Ok. Victor's sister. Wait. She doesn't even have a face cut of Victor. Maybe adopted? Or wife? "It's nice to meet you ma'am. I believe we will meet up soon." Saying this I left. In the shadows. But someone was already following me in the shadows. I started to run. The feeling inside me told me to run. You see, you have to trust your instincts. I did that. I reached at the dead end. I thought like what you guys do in Assassin's Creed. Jumping through the building in day light and all. But I thought not to do that, because it's the fucking daylight. I turned back. Whether he should kick or not isn't in my mind. There were four people. They were smoking. One with the red hat spoke first. "Tsk,tsk. You shouldn't have to run through the sun, you filthy bastard." The dude said. The smoke was giving it a burn mark, but later it was healing. Did he said that I shouldn't have to to run through the sun? Of course. He did. Then I have only one way to escape. I did a jump towards both walls,and reached the top of the building. Then I looked down. "Come here you filthy mutt." The red hat dude said. I'm angry right now. Because he called me a mutt. I jumped down. I was going down in a  superman pose. And directly smacked on the red hat. "Ouch." The red hat screamed. Later I took on the other 3 people who came with him. Well what I did was smacked them. All were down. "Tell your employer who ever it is, stop chasing me. Or send better people than you guys." And later I ran. I was afraid. How could I defeat those people who wants to eradicate me? I don't know. But I have to fight for humanity's sake. Cause I'm the last hope for humanity. I wanted to talk to my creator. But I can't. If I'm in front of him then I would be killed. But I have to. I lived near the Van Helsing villa. After a lot of days when the people left, I came in front of the house. I just knocked the door. A woman opened a door. "Yes. Who is it?" She asked. "Is Victor Frankenstein is here?" I asked. "Yes. And may I know your name?" She asked. "Eh, tell him one old friend came to see him." I said. The maid later got inside the house. I waited outside. "Yes. Who is it?" I heard Victor's sound. "It's me." I said. "Why are you here?" He asked. "I need some answers." I turned back. Victor was holding a gun. "Hey. I'm not here for a fight." I said. "You shall be destroyed Prometheus." He shot me. "Look, I need to know why you created me?" I asked. "Because I wanted someone back." He said. "Henry." I said. "How did you know?" He asked. "I can't tell anything to you father." I said. "Don't call me father, you unholy mutt." He said. "Ok. One thing is I can't call you creator all the time. Father is okay. And I'm not a mutt. Mind it." I said. "He shot me again. Bastard. "Look. If you shoot me again, I'm gonna destroy your life." I said. "No. You can't hurt her. You have to leave her from this grudge between us." He said. "Oh, daddy got hurt when I mentioned her, huh. Well look daddy. I'm gonna destroy your life. And I will be your man of honour for your wedding." I said. "Don't hurt her." He said. "What's going on Victor?" A female voice asked. It was Elizabeth. I can't hurt her. I love her too. "Elizabeth. Go back. He is going to kill you." He said. I jumped and I was behind her. "So you love her, right Victor." I grabbed her neck and climbed at the top of the house or villa. Victor rushed inside. I was already above the villa. If a human falls, he or she might die. Victor was behind me. "Prometheus stop. Please, I beg you." He pleaded to me. "I won't." I said.
"I'll create a woman for you as your spouse."
"And destroy her life. Victor, I don't need that offer."
"And what do you want Prometheus?"
"I want her." At the beginning I said something which wasn't true. Guys, I'm a pretty little liar. I killed her. For her. "No. I can't allow you to do that." He said. "Then you have no choice." I said. I looked at Elizabeth. The love of my life. She was crying. Probably scared too. "Don't worry Elizabeth. Everything is just going to be fine." Victor said. He later looked at me. "You vile monster. Leave her right now." He said. "Poor choice of words." I said. "You know what did you done to my life? I have to run. Run for eternity. And some creeps are following me to kill me." I said. "I will shoot you if never leave her." He said.
The gun fired. It got my abdomen. My grip over Elizabeth got lost. She fall down. "Victor......." she screamed. "Elizabeth." He too cried. What did I done. I shouldn't loose the grip. And I killed her. Well, we both killed her. "You killed her." He said. And the blame is on my head. "We both killed her. You may not understand. We both killed her. You shouldn't have shot me." I said. "You didn't kill one person. You killed two." He said. "Well Victor. Don't try to do a suicidal move." I said. "She was pregnant you fool. You killed my child. And for this, I'm gonna kill you right now." He started firing the gun. All of them were aimed to my chest. I jumped towards plain area near the house. I rushed. But Victor was following me. I have to run. It's the only way to survive. I was collapsing. And I tried my best to run. I looked around. There was no sign of Victor. I saw an abandoned house. I got inside the house. There was nobody in the house. And I have to run for eternity. I checked today's date. There was a calendar of this year. It was December 13 1929. Which is a Friday. All unholiness happen in 13 Friday. And my first murder was in a unholy day.

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