13th Friday

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So they shifted their things in Russia. Yeah. Bonjour Russia. My Russian language is right eh guys. Whatever. Well the smuggling was quite a simple work. Of course every thing goes in Vic's plan. Except one big muzibath which means problem in Urdu or Arabic which I assume has happened. The problem was my body. Yes. They can't smuggle a human dead corpse for smuggling. I don't have any scars in my body except the one in the chest and the head. In these two places Victor placed the new brain and a new heart to me. Well smuggling a whole body is quite impossible. "How could we smuggle this one?" Igor asked in the lab. "We can't smuggle the whole body." Victor draw a body. He rubbed the joining parts and said. "We could smuggle the body parts." He said. "What?" Igor heard that in a shocking way. "I said we could smuggle this parts by parts." Victor said. "We could hide it. Those peoples may never recognise the body parts." Later those bloody people cut off my body parts. Then he started to smuggle. At the Russian border he smuggled every body parts of mine and put it in the Frankenstein fort. First was my head and last was my body(exclude the Arms and legs. Only my body. Don't think of any other things cause what you think was also there). So they smuggled every parts and only my body is left. So smuggling became a simple thing for Victor. If he was living in the 21st century he could be a great smuggler. Well smuggling my chest is so simple for him. Except he was in the stage of being caught. He was confident that he would succeed. But then another man was chasing him. It was the same man who was in the circus. "Take this." He throw a green stone like thing to Victor. Victor got frozen. Suddenly the horses were calm. "You should give them some time for rest." The guy said." Victor can't move a muscle in his body. "Who are you?" He shouted. "I'm John Carter of barsoom."
"John carter of what?" Victor asked. "Barsoom, which you people call mars." He said. He came near to Victor. Just took the green stone from his lap. "I'm here to give you a gift." After taking the stone from Victor, his muscles got loosened. He tried to get up. But he is getting up like a baby trying to get up. You got the scene. John laughed while he was trying to stand up. "Don't laugh. You did this to me." Victor said. "Well lie down for a bit." John said. Then Victor lie down. Later he woke up like you guys.(I'm not whole human, we'll come to that later.) "what do you want?" Victor asked. "Your creation." John said.
"The one which you're going to create."
"Sorry he is already booked."
"I know. But he has an important destiny to do in distant future." John said.
"What destiny?" Victor asked.
"Something which you don't want to know."
"Well sorry. I can't." Victor said.
John stopped him. And handed over him a bag. "Take this. It might be useful for him."
Victor opened the bag. It was a heart. Less human, more weird heart. "What can I do with this?" Victor asked. "I don't know if you have a heart for the creature. If you don't, have this heart. This is the heart of one guy which you don't have to know." John said while looking at the sky. Thinking of someone he loved. Victor assumed like that because he always look at the stars to remember Elizabeth. It's been few months they met. "I should get going. Remember, use the heart wisely." Saying this he left the scenario. With a lot of confusion, he paced to the fort. Then he started assembling my body parts over there. You guys might have a doubt. Whether I could feel my pain when I was dead. No. I can't feel it. I'm quite dead. You see being dead has its own awesomeness. You can't feel any thing. You'll be just like a smelly doll.  That's why we are meant to buried down under the earth. So every one could wear a fragrant perfume to smell themselves better. Puny humans. So back to the story.  He fixed me up and later he went back home. Home means not the current place he lives. His real home. The frankie villa. When he reached there, his father was waiting for him. "I heard you were going to finish your studies soon." He asked. "Well yes father." He replied.
"And I heard you visited Russia last weekend." He asked. "Yes father. " Lil Vicky said. "Hmm. You could've visited the Frankenstein fort. Come on. Let have dinner." He said. And later they ate food. He was looking for her. "Who are you searching for?" Mr. Frankenstein asked. "Well were is Elizabeth?" He asked. "Oh, she is with your mother. She will come soon." After saying this they are their food. Later, he went to his mother's room. There was Elizabeth and his mother talking. "Am I interrupting anything?" He asked. "Oh, Victor. We never know you came back. When did you came?" His mother asked. "Few minutes back." He said. "Elizabeth, serve him food. He might starve." His mother said. "I ate food right now mother." He said. "Okay, mother. It's time for you to sleep." Elizabeth said. After that both of them got out of the room. Victor hold her back. Later knowing no one was there in the house he entered Elizabeth's room. And did their fifty shades of grey. What. Why looking at me. You guys know they do like that. At first it was a kiss. Then later you know what it becomes. But Elizabeth pushed him. "Why did you came back very late?" She asked. "What happened? You look so worried." Victor asked. "My marriage is fixed. It's going to be fixed soon. I want to live with you Victor. I always want to live with you. Why couldn't you confess our love to your father? We could be together." She said. "My father never allows you to marry me. I'm such a bad luck to him." He started to weep. "Victor, it's not only for me. It's for us." She touched her abdomen. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I'm pregnant with your child." She said. Victor was in victory. One, he is going to succeed in his mission. Another is he is going to be a father. "Does anyone knows about it?" He asked. "Your mother knows about it." She said. Victor was in a dilemma. Whether they should elope or just face his father for the marriage. It's for their child. Victor touched her face and said, "We should elope." Elizabeth was like she heard that Victor pulled a grenade. "Elope? Are you mad? Who will protect us?" She asked. "One old friend. By tomorrow, we should get going." He said.
"what about now?"  She asked.
"I need to sleep."
"But you should be hurry. Don't sleep like a pig."
"I promise you princess."
Early next morning, they did like they do in every morning. They both departed by saying good bye to Victor's mother. They reached at their destination. Villa Auditore. Yes the villa of Van Helsing. You know, I love to call him ghost buster Ezio. He always looks like that. When they reached to the Villa Van Helsing, Abe was there. Few years back during the Death of Henry, he was looking at his early twenties. But now he looks like he is in late thirties. "Abraham, what happened to you?" Victor asked after seeing his present stage. "An old friend's stupidity cause my youth." He said.
"Who?" Victor asked.
"We'll talk about it later. Who is this lady Victor?"
"This is my wife Elizabeth. I need your family to protect her." Victor said. "Hmmm. Three months pregnant. And it's before your marriage. And all you have to do is elope." Abe said. "Abraham, how did you-" Abraham cut him off. "It's all matter of perfect senses. I'm a doctor Victor. So I could easily find out what's wrong with her. And elope. You guys look like you never married. So elope is the only way." He said. Victor looked at him. "Is there any place private? So that we could talk about Prometheus." Abe at first looked at him. Later he remembered who Prometheus is. That's right folks.  After a few chapter, he officially named me Prometheus. Why couldn't he named me Zeus or something. He could've tell hades. That would be nice. I hate him. "Maria.." Abe called his wife. His wife came with a baby in her hand. "Victor, this is Maria Van Helsing. My wife. And the child is Gabriel. My son." Victor looked at the baby. Soon he would also have a baby. "Maria. Take Elizabeth to your room." He said. "Victor. Follow me." He said. They reached to the basement of the villa. Well it wasn't a normal basement. It was an ancient arms dealer's weapon safe keeping basement. Full of crossbows. Holy water. Holy moly. "Welcome to my world." He said. Victor's jaw was opened. "You could close your mouth Victor. You should have seen my grandfather's collection. It was more bigger than that." He said.
"And your grandfather?" 
"Dead. Of course. Killed by the vampires."
"Wait. Vampires? I thought they were myth." He said.
"I wish I could also believe like that, but no. They are alive. Some of them are allies. Some are worst case scenario." Abe said. Victor tried to ask more. But the mars guy made him stop. Yes. John carter. "Abraham. I need to ask something." He said. "Yes. If you are asking about my age, it's simple. An alien artificial object took few of my life force. So I age few years extra." He said. "An alien artificial object? You mean someone like john carter?" He asked. "How did you know him?" Abe asked. Victor told what happened when he first met John. "That bastard. That 100 year old imbecile never told me about the side effects of the object he gave me." Abe said. "Sorry. Did I heard 100 years old?" Victor asked. "Ever heard of princess of mars?" Abe asked. "Well, yes. That was quite fictional." Victor said. "Well hear it. That isn't fiction. It's true." Abe said.
"We could talk about him later. Now tell me about Prometheus." He asked. About me, Victor has no idea. What a bad creator he is. "Well Abraham. I need your guidance." He said. "Why my guidance? You could do all by yourself." He said. "No. I was thinking of remodelling his body parts." He said. Once he has a definite structure about my anatomy. All because of John Carter, he was thinking few ideas about it. "I was thinking of adding few more parts." He said. "By body parts you mean-" Victor cut him off. "Yes. By adding an additional lungs and heart we could make him stronger and powerful. He could kill anyone for us. Or do any work for us." He said. "What about his brain? It would not jam right?" Abe asked. "I don't know. I believe it may not act like that. Abraham. You should be there on the coming 13." He said. "You mean September 13 1929. Which is a Friday. I can't Victor. The day is a bad one." He said. "I was born in a 13th Friday. So you should be there." He said. "Let me try."

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