Chapter 24: Flashbacks

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(Your P.O.V)

Waking up I realized it was a special day. I was finally getting out of that damn hospital. Where everything bad happened in my life...

I got up and started packing my stuff.

The door opened slowly and I quickly turned my head to see if it's Mark. It was just a visitor of some other patient in the room. 

"Yeah like he'd come see me again." I murmured angrily. 

Seconds later a nurse walked in and asked if I was ready. "Um...Just a few minutes." I told her.

She left the room. I was alone again..."Great" I murmured once more.

(Author's P.O.V.)

~A few minutes later~

Your backpack was packed. You checked yourself for the last time and approached the door. Looking back your head got full of flashbacks.

You could see yourself kissing Mark over there. You felt another part of your heart breaking apart and falling down..Deep down..Somewhere people could never find it again. Or maybe one could..But this one would never come back. Because you were most likely dead to him. 

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