Chapter 9

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I'm going out of town on some business, I'll hit you when I'm back.! I read the text that flashed across my screen. I exited out of it and rolled my eyes. It's not like he's been talking to me these few days anyways.!

I went into the bathroom and grabbed the test off the sink. Two lines appeared. I took a deep breath and sighed. I knew it.! Fuck what was I gonna do now.? I needed help from my mom. I couldn't tell her though. I know she's gonna freak.!

Mom.?! I called out to her as I walked into the living room.

Yes baby doll.?

If someone hurt you that was family, and you where scared to say what would you do.?

Well ummm.....I would tell someone anyways. Why did someone hurt you.?!

I felt the tears swelling up on my tongue and water filling my eyes. "I have to tell you something.!"

What baby, what is it.? She said coming over to me

Uncle Rufus......uncle Rufus raped me.! I managed to get out choking on my words. I started crying hard.

Excuse me.?

Yes the other night, ending my birthday he rapped me.! I felt a fiery sting across my face.

How dare you blame my brother for your wrong. You probably just had sex with Martavion nasty but self.! I can't believe you.! She yelled smacking me again.

What ma no.! He raped me why don't you believe me.?

He's my brother and he would never.! No watch your mouth I don't wanna hear another word about this.!

Mommy he did.! You chose him over your flesh.?

Yes yes I do. Your just a little fucking liar. Oh god I can't believe you.! Get out.! If this what your going to do get the fuck out.!

Where am I gonna go.?

I don't care Magic get out.!

You know what something told me you would never understand.! That's why I didn't wanna tell you but you know what I would never leave me child high and dry like you did all my life. You ain't never been a mother to me anyways.! I cried before walking away.  I grabbed some clothes packing them into a bag my phone keys and money. She was sitting on the couch crying. I just looked at her. I didn't have any where to go. I was just gonna stay at a hotel until Martavion came back.

"I need to tell you something when you get back.!" I texted him than turned my phone off. I didn't wanna be connected to the world at this moment. I couldn't believe my own mother didn't believe me.

Who was into turn too now.? 

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