Billie looks down at herself and chews on the corner of her lip. Joker's thumb runs over her lip and pulls it from the trap her teeth created. "Don't bite that lip, Cupcake", he pauses to tilt her head back. "Tell me who you belong to". "Daddy", she whispers. "Tell me who I belong to". She doesn't know how to answer. She can't say anything. Can only look at him like he's grown another head. "Billie. Tell me who I belong to". He grabs her hand and places it on his chest. As if they're gravitating towards each other, their foreheads lean against each other and heat sparks from Billie. "I belong to you". The small gasp that comes from her makes him chuckle lowly and lift her finger to his lips. "You have me wrapped around your little finger whether you realize it or not. You make me...good. In the worst way. You bring out the best and worst in me and I swear on my life, I will never let anyone ever hurt you. Ever. You. Are. Mine. Mine".

The air is thick and beautiful. It's sweet and new. Their breaths mingling is soft and sweet. For once, it's just them. No crooks. No gangs. No deals. No gangs. No boys. Just them. Only them. "Billie. I'm yours. You control what I do and when. Your tears make me pull out a gun faster than one can slip down your cheek. You're my everything". Billie closes her eyes, just taking it in for a moment. "What would you do if something ever happened to me? If someone killed me". "Firstly. That would never happen. But in the extremely rare occasion that it would, I'd carve your name into a bullet". Billie giggles and shakes her head against his. "Why"? "So people know you're the last thing that went through my mind". Billie open her eyes and smiles into the small kiss he gives her.

Joker looks hesitant. He is. He wants so bad to say the 3 words on his tongue. He just can't. So he continues to kiss her lips. It's soft and unlike him. Only when he starts to kiss down her neck, does his rough nature come out. He sinks his teeth into the soft skin of her neck and pulls, sucking a dark bruise into her skin.

As he decides the words need to be said, he kisses the new discoloration and sighs against it. "I love you". Billie pulls back and looks at him with astonished eyes. "Y-You what"? "I love you. I love you so much baby". The small tear that slides down her cheek makes him smile and smooth it away with his thumb. "I love you". He kisses her lips and repeats himself. "I love you". Another kiss. "I love you". Kiss. "I love you". Kiss. "I love you". Kiss kiss kiss kiss. "I love you".

It's so weird hearing it come from him. 'I love you'. It isn't him. But it is. "You don't have to say it back. You never have to if you never want to. But I fucking love you. So fucking much". Warmth spreads down her spine and her breath is taken away. It's not like him. Love? How? He can't love. Right?

Slow hands run down her sides and rub her hips, kissing her collarbones gently. "Tonight. We can do anything you want. Absolutely anything. You decide". Billie is in shock. Where's the roughness? The strict undertone? It's just... weird. "Can"? Joker brushes a stray hair away and keeps his hand pressed against her neck. "Is that what you want baby? For me to play with you"? "Yes". "Think you can deal with that baby"? And Billie's never been so eager. Her nod is enthusiastic and she just can't handle it. "Yes. Please Daddy. Please play with me".

The chuckle is back. The oh so Joker chuckle. She loves it. "Yeah? Want daddy's hand right here"? His hand wraps around her throat and squeezes the way she needs. "Like when daddy squeezes just like this"? "Yes. Please daddy".

It's the look of the devil in her eye is just riveting. He can't look away. He won't. "You're so good and just so, so bad. Your sweet little innocent smile is so tricky. You're just so bad". He kisses her cheek and pulls back, staring at her with hard stone eyes. "Open". He slides his fingers between her lips, face still hard. "Suck". He smirks as she sucks his fingers, bobbing her head slowly. He chuckles as she licks his fingers. It's beautiful in his eyes. Such innocence being destroyed before his eyes.

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