I'M FINALLY TAGGED And No, Not Like An Animal

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That's right, this loser right here.  *does finger-pointer dance*  After years of begging friends, blackmailing readers, and ignored 'notice me, senpai' requests... I FINALLY GOT TAGGED, MUHAHAHAHA.

A gorgon walked up to me and slapped a 50% off tag onto my forehead. She was wearing a BarginMart vest?

Kidding, my friend randomly tagged me. (Whether it was because she feels a responsibility as a friend or simply because she pities this unsocial creature, we will never know.)

I guess I'll put this tagging stuff on here, bc this is my most popular story... If I ever get tagged in the future (me to me: haha, keep dreaming you dork), I might make a book for it or something, who knows?

Annnyways, muchos gracias to GinnyMcCrae2002 for letting me be included in social stuff!

1. What Disney character are you most like?

          I feel like I relate with Belle the most... BC I HAVE BROWN HAIR AND I'M WEIRD AND I LIKE BOOKS AND I DREAM ABOUT STUFF, OKAY? It's not because I have a fetish for beasts... probably...

2. What area of the world are you from, and what's the weather like?

          God bless 'Merica, and cleanse us with holy water, because boy do we need it. I currently live in Minnesota! I used to live in California, so adapting to the weather here has been tough... *huddles down in sweatshirt* But it's not like it's Antarctica here or anything. It can get up to 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) in the summer!

3. What's your favorite fandom?

          WHY DO YOU FORCE ME TO PICK BETWEEN MY CHILDREN?! Right now, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are at the top of the list, but I get small obsessions from time to time over other books. (Like UnEnchanted. Do not read those books, I beg of you.)

4. What's your favorite movie?

          Rise of the Guardians. I know it's sort of a kid's movie and what not, but I love it so much! The message is great, and everything is so cute! (Not to mention Jack Frost... how come the ice dude is so hot!?)

5. Do you have any siblings and/or pets?

          I've got an older brother and a younger brother, so I'm the middle child... haha, what fun. I had a dog, a super cute Great Dane, but she died. I'm trying to pressure my parents into getting a new dog over the summer! :)

6. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

          UGH this question is so hard, because my preferences change daily. Currently, I would LOVE the power to stop time. I mean, think about it! Then if you need more time to sleep, you can just stop time! Or if you don't have enough time to take a test! Or if you're broke and want food! (Ignore the last one... that'd be stealing.) Invisibility or flight would be super cool too! An acquaintance of mine made a story where everyone in the class had superpowers, and my power was that I could create anything I could think of. It's cool, but WAYYY too OP. (Bc like story me ended up creating a bunch of people that were antis of the class and stuff got real messy real quick.)

7. Do you play any sports?

          I used to. Now I'm just a potato sitting in a chair. I may start up volleyball (or soccer?) again sometime, but I think I lack the physical endurance for those sports.

8. And, finally, who's your favorite Disney villain?

          Ursula! She's a real female dog in the movies, but if you watch the musical form of The Little Mermaid, Ursula is like the best character ever. (Plus singing along with the Broadway version of 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' is so much fun!)

Well, guess that's done! Now all I need to do is pick some victims to tag... hm... *peers at screen*






So... yeah. I'm not sure how many people I'm supposed to tag, but whatever! Now here are the questions for the tagged people! (There is no escaping your fate now... >:D)

1. Favorite anime or anime you most recently watched? (If you don't watch anime, then... just skip I guess?)

2. Favorite videogame?

3. Favorite song from a movie?

4. One super popular song that you hate?

5. Have you ever had a crush?

6. Top fandoms?

7. Describe yourself in less than 5 words?

8. Favorite book on Wattpad?

9. Worst book/movie you've ever read/seen?

10. Favorite singer/band?

Wellp, I guess that's it! Oh, and after, don't forget to tag other people too, 'kay? :D If I didn't tag you and you still want to answer the questions, feel free!

(Pst, I'm really sorry to all my readers that actually want me to update, but I'll probably update later when school is less stressful, so probably after finals!) *MUAH*


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