Chapter Twelve

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I quietly thumbed through my old issue of Vogue I had taken from New York with me, and now back, while sitting beside the window with the plane just outside. If I was lucky, the latest copy from my subscription would be waiting for me with our mail.

Were airplane flights ever on time? I thought of how Rachel and Santana had wandered over to the coffee stand to get a cup, but I wasn't in the mood. Actually, I didn't think I'd be in the mood for coffee for a long time.

I was hoping that the girls hadn't noticed when I had been silent the entire procedure from Lima to the airport, and now through the traffic and bustle. Thankfully no one had asked, because I was finally ready to sulk over Blaine for the whole trip in peace. There was no way he was going to escape my mind tonight, especially after what we'd shared over the past week.

However, there was still something that didn't quite put me at ease. Here I had been, spending every appropriate moment with Blaine, recieving nothing but adoration from him. I couldn't complain about that. But now I felt like the smitten one when it came to saying goodbye. I thought he was the one that would have been torn up. I was supposed to be the one with the upper hand, right? And standing there in front of him only hours ago had never made me feel more vulnerable.

My heart felt like it was shattering the moment I had taken a deep breath, ready to say farewell to the only person I had ever become so close with in such a short amount of time. Then I looked into his eyes, and they were blank. They were emotionless. He had sent me off with a nod and a three-second hug (I may have counted). And now all I could wonder was: why?

There was an urge to stop dwelling on it, to get up and yell "I'm okay!", but somehow I turned it away. Even with my saying that worrying gave you wrinkles, I wasn't ready to completely let it pass. But I also knew by now that it was alright. I knew myself well enough to say that sometimes I don't have to put on a smile and pretend like nothing bad will ever happen. Sometimes I could just sit back and accept the restless state of mind, no matter how many sleepless nights came with it.

I was a lot stronger than I used to be. New York had shown me that. But I had also learned that softening up to life's little experiences wasn't so bad, either. Only Lima could teach me that.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I refocused on the open page of the magazine that I had been staring at blankly for the past moments.

"Kurt..." a breathless voice said above me.

I instantly looked up and felt my heart jump out of my chest. This wasn't happening. There was no way my brain was functioning well enough for this to be realistic. Over and over, my mind repeated:

This wasn't happening.
This wasn't happening.
This wasn't happening.

Standing there, with a boquet of red and yellow roses, was the dark haired, hazel-eyed, beautiful boy. My eyes widened in surprise. "B-Blaine?!"

He nodded silently.

Within seconds I was on my feet, already throwing myself towards him. He laughed lightly as his arms wrapped around my waist, while my hands clasped together behind his neck with our foreheads touching. "Oh my gosh, Blaine... you have no idea how happy I am to see you," I told him, just as breathless.

"Clearly you're very happy, because we're allowed to get close like this," he chuckled. "Plus the priceless look on your face. That's way more beautiful than these lousy flowers."

I grinned, standing back so we were connected with a few fingers merely hooked together on one hand, and the boquet in my other. "You got these for me? Blaine..."

YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓Where stories live. Discover now