33 : Goodbye

151 9 14

Jerome's POV
I stared at the corner of the wall as Mitch tried to feed me something. I don't know what he's going to feed me, and I don't care either. He can poison me, at least I wouldn't have to load trouble onto anyone else again.

Talking to Preston was the biggest step I have ever took in my life. I wasn't the kind of person who would apologise, but spreading to the person whom I broke the relationship with? No way. But in this case, I'll let him.

I could feel something trickling down my chin, and Mitch helped me wipe it away. I looked at Mitch, his amber eyes locking with mine.

"I'm such a burden," I said, my voice surprisingly hollow. My soul felt like as if it was gone, and that I shouldn't be here, I don't deserve to be here. It should be Vikk, instead of me. Now, it was Vikk lying on the hospital bed, unconscious, while I'm safe here. I shouldn't be safe, I should be the one whose body connected with the metal frame of the car.

"No, you aren't," he said, and left the hospital room to wash the bowl. I looked at Vikk's body, how his entire head is wrapped up in a bandage, except for his nose, showing how serious the accident is.

"I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be here," I mumbled all over again, the voices in my head chanting simultaneously with my pace. The flashbacks came back. My hand gripped the handle of the chair, trying my best to not lose control of myself.

Vikk was covered in red, all red. His eyes were wide open.

"I should be on the bed, instead of Vikk," I whispered, diverting my gaze fro. The base on the table, and onto Vikk, poor Vikk.

His left arm was bent in an awkward angle, his face surprisingly showing no emotions. His hair was wet, wet with blood.

"I shouldn't be safe. I shouldn't be here." The voices were becoming louder, and I found myself standing up. I walked towards the door, and opened it. The hot air came in, mixing with the cold air.

The car was dented, the metal caving in, the impact more serious than what people had anticipated. The headlights of the car was on, as the owner gasped in shock.

I looked down. I could see two old couple having a walk in the nearby park. I could see children playing in the playground while their parents chatted endlessly about nothing. The birds chirped as the trees swayed. It looked so peaceful.

Paramedics rushed in and out of the ambulance, trying to check the seriousness of the accident. I stood there, unable to move, the weight of guilt pressing me down, restricting my breathing.

Just one fall. Just one second. I'll be on the ground, dead, free from all the stress put up by society and myself.

I swung my leg over the wall, and brought my other leg over the obstacle. I looked back, seeing Vikk's silhouette in the hospital bed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

Just one push, and it'll be all over. I closed my eyes. I heard the door open. 

Nobody can stop me now.

"Je-Jerome! No!"

I pushed.

"I'm sorry, Mitch, I love you."

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