30 : Insanity

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Jerome's POV
I pulled Vikk back as Mitch tried to snatch the phone away from him.

"Vikk, don't!" I yelled as I tried to knock some sense into his brain, but failed as he struggled against my grip.

"L-Lachlan!" He screamed, trying to wriggle the phone out of Mitch's grip. That scream tore me apart more than anything.

"Vikk, wake up!" I pulled him back even further as Vikk grasped the phone, which is now in Mitch's hand. Vikk turned around, and although his stare was intimidating, his eyes were worse.

His eyes were glassy, as if his souls wasn't there, just his body. His eyes looked lifeless, as if he was dead and that he was controlled by someone else and not his own self. He looked like as if he should be in a mental asylum, not here in this house.

Mitch hissed in pain as Vikk's fingernails dug into his flesh. I shook Vikk, and he stared up at me, lost and confused as ever.

"J-Jerome?" He wriggled out of my grasp as he darted to a corner of the room, trying to comprehend what just happened. Mitch rubbed his hand as the marks of Vikk's nails were there, and he motioned for me to go and comfort Vikk.

"W-what jus-st h-happened?" His voice was weak as I gave him a sideways hug. His body was trembling furiously, and his breathing quickened as his eyes darted around the room, landing on everywhere except for me.

"You called out his name..." I said, and Vikk's eyes finally stopped on his hands as they trembled.

"I miss him, Jerome," he whispered, tears silently falling down his face. He curled up into a ball, crying even harder.

"I know," I said. He stood up.

"You won't ever know! You've never lost Mitch before, did you?" He yelled. Taken aback by the question, my eyes widened.

"What do you mean?"

"You've never experience the pain of losing someone you love forever! You've never experienced the grief of losing someone who promised that they'll stay with you forever, but in the end break it! You've never experienced it, so how would you know?" Every word that came out of his mouth stung me, as if someone had put a knife through my heart and was twisting it. I growled. In impulse, I stood up, and towered over him. I did something that I thought I wouldn't do it again.

I slapped him.

Vikk stared at me, holding his cheek, his eyes wide in tears and betrayal. I stared at my hand, which made contact with his cheek, shocked. I did what I wasn't supposed to do. I slapped someone.

"If this is how you want to play," he said, in a disappointing tone, and dashed out of the house. This time, I didn't chase after him.

I should have. Maybe it would take off the guilt in my heart, rather than adding it to the load.

Because what happened after that wasn't what I was expecting.

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