4 : Come back...

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Preston's POV
I watched the news as I stirred the bowl of cereal. After Rob left, no one cooked for me, and I've burnt myself twice attempting to cook for myself. The only thing that could be eaten was the box of cereal, and I am apparently surviving on that now.

As if on cue, my phone rang. I checked the caller ID. It was Jerome.

I picked up the phone. "Hey, Jerome."

"Preston, fly to Canada. Right. Now." The sound of cars driving and sobs were heard in the background.

"Jerome, don't call while driving!" I yelled.

"It's Mitch holding. And it's urgent," his voice wobbled. The mood turned serious. I knew Jerome well. He never cries unless it's serious.

"What happened?"

"Rob happened. Come here now," he sobbed.

"What happened. Tell me everything, now," I was on the verge of tears.

"Rob was planning to come to Canada, and he messaged us his plane tickets and number. H-his p-pla-ane is the o-one in the c-c-crash," Jerome sobbed.

"P-Preston, p-p-please," Mitch joined in.

The news hit me like a truck. My whole body went tense, and everything went blank in front of me. The scene started playing, and I imagined Rob in a plane. He was strapped to his seat, with a black masking tape stick against his mouth. He struggled as he tried to free himself, but failed. The plane was smoking. It was going down, and down, and down.

And it crashed, spraying debris all over the place. A fire started.

To my horror, Rob was in the flames, screaming and thrashing, as the fire swallowed him up.

What did I just write...

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