23 : Lachlan

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Rob's POV
"I don't know what would happen to Vikk but, all I know is that, I'm free," Lachlan said.

"What do you mean by that? Vikk still needs you! Is he in coma?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Vikk's awake now. I visited him before coming over to meet the rest of The Pack. I heard Mitch and Jerome are going to my funeral, huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I didn't know." Upon hearing this, Lachlan chuckled.

"Pros of being a ghost," he mumbled. I turned back to Lachlan again.

"So... when are you meeting Pete and Kara?" I asked.

"Well, now." A familiar voice came in, and I could vaguely make out Pete's figure, followed by Kara's.

"Pete, mate!" Lachlan greeted him, and Pete gave him a glare.

"Why did you die, Lachy Dachy?" He asked. Lachlan let out a sad smile.

"Truck hit the car," Lachlan said.

"Jesus Christ what would Vikk think," Kara mumbled.

"Wait, you guys are dead... are you technically ghosts?" I asked cautiously.

"Well, I guess you could say that... I mean, yeah, I guess," Pete said. Lachlan glided across the hospital, going through walls and people.

"Pete, one sec, before I go, I have a request." After fooling for quite sometime, he stopped. Pete gestured for him to talk.

"I want to visit Vikk one last time, then I'm ready," he said, his electric blue eyes not hiding sadness as he mentioned his husband's name.

"Say bye to Rob, then," Kara said, and opened up a portal. Lachlan turned back to me.

"Look, I've also heard that Jerome and Preston had a big fight because Preston didn't attend my funereal. What I want to say, is that, I'm okay if someone doesn't attend it. I'm okay with Preston skipping it, because he has to take care of you. But you have to wake up. Survive this, to take this story with you," he smiled.

"Jeez, Lachlan. You're making me cry," I said. He laughed.

"C'mon, Aussie. I don't want to be the one breaking Wooflan," he joked. "Oh, and Rob? One and a half month left. Good luck," he said, and jumped into the portal with Kara. Lachlan looked at me, and winked, before jumping in, letting the portal devour him.

I wouldn't forget that pair of electric blue eyes.

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