34 : Run

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Preston's POV
The Pack is falling. One by one. Piece by piece. And it all started because if one stupid fucking argument, and that was how much it needed to involve all six people's lives.

I put my head in my hands, half praying for Rob to wake up, half praying for Vikk to stay alive. Subconsciously, tears rolled down my face. I was crying silently, and I didn't even know why.

I let them fall, slowly and steadily. I wasn't even feeling anything, and yet I was crying. I stared at Rob, his frail body, his soul somewhere. One week later, this warm body would be detached from the life support, and Rob would be struggling for every breath he could take before the doctors announce him dead.

One week. One week, and it would make such a big difference.

I put my hand in his, my bony fingers latching onto his skinny ones. I kissed his cold forehead, my lips dry. It was a short kiss, and yet it meant everything. It could mean goodbye, and it could mean I love him too.

It could mean both, and in this case, it means both.

I don't think I'm ready for the goodbyes. I wasn't ready at all, speaking of which. The final goodbye, not see you later. It meant that I won't ever see him again.

I was just wasting my life anyways. Suddenly, I felt like as if I was suffocating in these for walls, trapped. I gasped for air as I rushed out of the hospital room, eager for myself to catch a breath again.

I was scared. What would I do without him? What would I do after Rob's death? I knew I won't continue my normal life, and everything won't be the same after that but surely...

I could live with someone? Move in with my sisters? I don't know, I just hope I won't end up making one of the decisions.

I laced around the hospital corridor, the doctors and nurses ignoring my presence, since I was in this place for a long time.

Even this can't stop my breathing from escalating. I need a bigger space. This place felt like it's caving in. I ran out of the hospital, and I ran and ran and ran and ran. Trees whizzed past as the wind caressed my face. I continued running. I didn't stop. I won't stop. I can't stop.

I ignored the presence around me. I ignored the people around me. I ignored everything.

Which is why I didn't realise that there was a huge truck coming in my way and that I wasn't ready to dodge it.

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