31 : Anchor

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Preston's POV
I feel that there's something wrong, but I don't know what exactly.

I checked my phone, and still saw spams and notifications from my fans. I scrolled through every single one of them, not reading anything. I looked at the whatsapp icon. Zero messages. Jerome's still angry, I guess.

My phone vibrated, and I saw that Mitch called me. Seriously, Jerome? I picked up the call.


(No don't Adele me)

Breathing. The only thing I could hear from the other line was breathing, before Mitch's sobs were heard. Mumbles in the background.

"Preston?" Jerome answered the call. I could feel my anger rising.

"What? After three days of ignoring, you decided to talk to me out of the blue? What's wrong with you, Jerome?" I snapped at him. The line was quiet.

"Everything is wrong with me," he whispered softly, and I could hear Mitch in the background.

"What?" I said, my sympathy rising. I hate it. I can't be mad at someone for a very long time: I'll forgive them in the end, and that is why I hated about myself the most.

"I... I shouldn't be here... I cause even more trouble to you," Jerome stammered. Crackling could be heard, before Mitch's voice took over the phone.

"Jerome's unstable right now, so I'll tell you what happened, okay?" He said, his voice cracking. I nodded, and realised that he couldn't see it, so I mumbled 'okay'.

"Vikk wasn't looking when he crossed the road, and got ran down by a car. He's in coma, in Australia," he went through it, not bothering to tell me the details.

"So why is Jerome... like this?" I waved my arms, the dots not connecting.

"He was in a fight with Vikk before that, and he crossed the line. Vikk stormed off. Shit happened," Mitch said, and whispered something to Jerome.

"Call you later. Bye," he hung up, and the line went dead as I took in all the information. Jerome has fallen into the void. He was the anchor of The Pack, trying to keep us sane from all the insanity around us.

Now that the anchor is gone, we are all struggling against the void, except that we are dropping one by one, slowly devoured by the dark hole.

I have chem test tomorrow and I'm still updating wow look at my priorities hahahaha

Anyways this book is gonna end soon

W e l l

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