25 : The girl with a boy's name

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Preston's POV
The doctors came in to check his vitals everyday, and it became so normal for me it was slowly becoming my routine. Like a robot, I would do the same thing over and over again. Fans were concerned, but I did not answer their tweets. They were in the midst of suspecting that something bad has happened to me... or Rob... or anyone in The Pack.

However, I did meet one girl who was hospitalised for months. She said that she fell down the stair due to her 'tripping over air', and actually ended up fracturing her ankle with 'skills'. Since she was in the ward opposite of Rob's, we could see each other everyday. She was younger than me, and she kind of reminds me of Ashley, with her long purple hair and her black hoodie with a pixelated dragon pattern behind it.

She never told me her name, though.

I could see her standing up today. And her parents were there with her as they held baggages consisting of her clothes that she used in the hospital, and that was when I realised that she was being discharged from the hospital.

Her face was being as she stood up slowly from the bed. She stumbled a few steps, and was luckily caught by her father when she almost fell. She walked again, this time with her mother's support. Her mouth was moving as she pointed in my direction, and her mother stared at me before nodding to her daughter.

The girl walked into Rob's ward with her parents, and her parents thanked me for taking care of her. I smiled and said no problem. The girl's parents then left us alone, giving us some privacy for our final goodbyes.

"So I guess this would be our last time meeting," I said. She laughed.

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows, maybe you'll see me on the street begging for coins one day, because I have no life," she joked, and our laughter rang through the whole ward. "Do you play Minecraft?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm a YouTuber," I said. Her eyes widened. Oh no, she's going to fangirl.

"I've always wanted to be a YouTuber!" She said, amazed. I did not expect that coming from her, but... well. "But the problem is, I don't know how to operate OBS... whoops!"

"I can teach you, you know," I offered, and her eyes shone brighter than the stars.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She squealed and jumped up.

"Why do you want to be a YouTuber?" I asked.

"Because... a YouTuber once saved me. Like not literally, but I watched his vids, and he was so cool! He made me laugh, and did stuff that was so funny. Well, it's an escape form the reality, and my problems. I want to make people laugh," she said. Damn.

"Well, you have Skype?" I asked. She gave me her username, and I gave her mine.

"I can teach you through Skype," I said. She smiled.

"Thanks. What's your YouTube name?" She asked.

"TBNRfrags," I answered. She typed it down in her phone.

"We'll if you see my username, give me a shout out, would you? Nah, just joking," she said. Her mom knocked on the glass of the ward, and gestured for her to go. "I have to go, see ya," she said, and stood up.

"Wait what's your name?" I asked. She turned back, and smiled.

"Abel." And with that, she lumped out of the ward.

Don't let me go (A poofless story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu