12 : History

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Jerome's POV
Preston had a total meltdown again.

Honestly, I've never seen Preston cry before. Being the most cheerful one in The Pack, he was always the sunshine. Until now.

I've never thought that the Poofless couple would last even five years, let alone love each other. Everytime Rob called and started pouring his soul out (this phrase is dedicated to lamb46 ), I would imagine their relationship having another crack. I was waiting for the smaller cracks to turn into bigger cracks, and finally, breaking into two. I was so certain that they are going to break apart, that I didn't realise their love after that. How Rob forgave Preston, how Preston would try (and fail) to cook dinner, how they would cuddle on the couch. I was so blinded by their rage and hurt towards each other that I didn't realise the old scars fading, the wounds patching up quietly, silently, which no one noticed.

They forgave each other. But they always hurt each other.

Which is what I always don't understand.

"Preston?" I knocked on the door. "Are you okay?"

"Jerome..." his voice was calm, too calm. "Just go away. I need personal space." There was no sadness in his tone. It was hollow.

Just like his heart.

He was never this hollow before. The last time he was like this, it was two years ago...

"Preston!" Lachlan yelled as he pushed poor Preston into the pool. The water splashed as droplets landed on me. I shook my head as Preston and Lachlan wrestled in the pool.

Mitch came out of the house, worried plastered on his face as his face was a little pale. "J-Jerome?"

"Yeah Biggums?" I looked at Mitch, who was fumbling nervously with his earphones. He always bring his earphones everywhere, even though he isn't using it. He said it was for his 'anxiety'.

"S-somet-thing's w-wro-ong," he was on the verge of tears, and he stumbling told me that something was very serious. I hurriedly went over to him. He led me to the phone. I picked it up. It was Preston's sister, Keeley.


"Jerome..." she was crying. "M-mum's dead. I-I can't tell Preston myself. I'm s-sorry," she sobbed. I glanced over at Mitch, who was looking at the ground like a five-year-old kid.

"I'm so sorry Keeley. I will help pass the message with Mitch. When's the... funeral?"

"I-it's today. T-thank you." She hung up.

Mitch stared at me, tears starting to roll down. I pulled him closer to me. We cried.

Preston and Lachlan came in.

"What happened? Are you guys okay?" Lachlan asked, his Australian accent audible. We sneaked a glance at Preston.

"L-Lachlan? Can you give us and Preston a minute?" I sniffed. Lachlan looked at us confused, but decided to give us some space while he went to dry himself.

"Preston?" Mitch looked at him.


"Y-your mom..." I continued as Mitch started crying in my arms.

"She's gone."

The whole Pack arrived at Texas three hours later.

Preston cried on the plane, and it didn't really help with the rest of the passengers staring at him like he's a freak. He went to the toilet a few times, and finally, he slept with tears visible on his face.

Rob hugged him as Preston squirmed around in his seat. He looked at us with hurt and sympathy in his eyes. We returned him the same look.

Keeley was at the front door when we arrived.

She hugged Preston as she cried, her fingers desperately clinging to his shirt. Her black dress hung from her body, it's end sailing in the wind. She went into the house with Preston. We stood outside awkwardly as relatives of the Arsement family moved in and out of their house. All of us were dressed in dark colours, and no one was saying a word as Preston emerged from his house. He wasn't crying. He looked... empty. Emotionless. Tear stains were obvious still, he didn't bother to clean it up.

Keeley probably noticed our awkwardness. "You can come in."

We took off our shoes and entered.

The coffin was located in the middle of the living room, where the table and sofas were used to be. Mitch sniffed beside me. I could vaguely see Mamafrags lying peacefully. Her face was pale, too pale, and she was dressed nicely. Her hair was combed, and she was holding a flower in her hands. She looked like she was... sleeping.

She was so nice to us. Every time we came to visit Preston, she would give us endless cookies and milk, and once she even pranked us with the Oreo cookies. She would always mock Preston, and he would try to change the subject, only to fail miserably. She would pop in at random times in the videos, and everyone would scream "Hi Mamafrags!"

I couldn't believe she was gone. It was so quiet all of a sudden, without her cheerful voice. She didn't like quietness. If she was here, she would probably cross her arms and say "stop being so quiet" and start banging the pots and pans.

Preston just sat there, and thanked whoever that came to pay respects to Mamafrags. He was sniffing a few times, but he isn't bawling.

We sat there, occasionally hearing sniffs from relatives, and Keeley bawling her eyes out. Caleb only stared into space. Lachlan tried to calm Vikk down as Vikk's breathing quickened, and calmed down later, only to quicken again.

Mitch stared at the coffin. I hugged him.

"I can't believe she's gone," he whispered.

I hugged him even closer.

"I miss her."

We stayed in Texas for a few days. We uploaded backup videos so that the fans wouldn't realise what's going on. They might start to get suspicious soon, but The Pack will handle that later on.

We asked Preston whether he's okay, and he always said yes. And his okay meant sitting on the branch of the tree in the backyard and staring into the sky until it's dark or until one of us pull him down.

"Butterfly!" He yelled one day.

"What's so amazing about a butterfly?" Vikk asked, glancing out.

"My mom... she loved butterflies. Mom look! A butterfly! It must be you, mom! Is it a message from you, mom? From heaven?" He gazed at the butterfly as it landed on a flower, its wings moving ever so gracefully.

We stared at him, as he stared at the butterfly, feeling sorry for him.

He moved closer to the butterfly, trying not to startle it, but failed. The butterfly flew in the air, circling his head three times, before flying off.

"Goodbye butterfly! Tell mom that I love her!"

After the butterfly was gone, he sat there. He was calm. He looked peaceful. We didn't expect him to handle it this well.

We didn't know he was breaking on the inside either.

Song above: Jealous by Labrinth

If this bring up memories that you shouldn't bring up, I'm sorry. It breaks my heart too.

I dedicate this chapter to my grandpa.

Grandpa, I love you forever. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you passed, but I missed you. You promised me to teach me calligraphy, you promised me a lot of things. I'm sorry.

I hope you're in a better place, grandpa.

I love you

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