9 : Letting it all out

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Jerome's POV
As we hauled Preston out, we saw a tall figure and a short one running towards us. It was Lachlan and Vikk.

"What happened to Preston?" Lachlan asked as Preston sat on the ground bawling his eyes out. I shrugged.

"Rob?" Vikk asked. Preston cried even harder. I pointed into the room. Both of them went in.

"I shouldn't have quarrelled with him! I should've chased after him! I should've tried to at least stop him! It's all my fault!" Preston yelled, attracting the attentions of the nurses and the doctors. They all gave him a dirty glare.

"Mitch, stay here, ok?" I asked Mitch. He nodded instantly. I pulled the crying Preston out of the hospital and to a nearby park.

"Scream and cry all you want here," I ordered Preston. He stared at me, and started to scream. All the birds flew.

"It was all my fault! I acted like a baby! I threw all my responsibility to Rob! Now he's in the hospital, I wanted him to hear how sorry I am. I wanted to turn back time, to mend our relationship, to stop every fight! I just wanted a happy life..." he trailed off as he played with his wedding ring.

"And now Rob is in god knows where! I am the cause of this! God gave us this challenge, because we knew we had difficulties in forgiving each other. He gave me this lesson, because he wanted us to be together. He knew he had to do something. But why Rob? Why not me? Why is Rob suffering for me?"

"Because it's called a sacrifice," I spoke. Preston stared at me, then on the ground, pulling the grass up. "It's called love. You have to sacrifice to feel love. If Rob did not have a plane crash, would you know that you are selfish? Rob told me everything. After every fight he would call me. He would cry. He was heartbroken. He was heartbroken by you. He wanted you to stop, because he was concerned about you. He cared about you.

"But you never listened. If Rob wakes up one day, tell him, wait, no, show him how much you cared. How much you loved him. Take care for him, do anything to make him happy, because that was what he wanted you to have. He told me he wanted to go to Paris, so fulfill that wish.

"There might be no happy ending - this ain't Disney - but at least you have each other. Like how I had Mitch and how he had me. Like how Vikk had Lachlan and Lachlan had Vikk."

Preston stared at me. He was no longer crying.

Applause suddenly erupted around us. I looked around. It was Mitch with the Vikklan couple.

"Damn, that was deep," Lachlan wiped away an imaginary tear. Vikk nodded. Mitch did not say anything (as usual). He came towards me, and hugged me.

"Thanks," he whispered to me. I hugged him back.

"Before you guys start kissing, I don't have anyone," Preston said we laughed.

"Well, let's go back." We left the park.

The moody atmosphere was cleared temporarily, and I was grateful for that.

I'm literally adding deep shit whenever I can. Heh.

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