Chapter Seven

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Brandy and I were sitting on Ash's bus, with her and Jake for hours, then Nikki came running on with Danny behind him.

Ash looked at him funny, "Whats going on?"

Brandy and I looked at each other and got up as Ash did.

"Radke is pissed!" Danny said excited.

"Oh god!" Brandy and I both said as we ran off the bus.

We got out side and Ronnie was yelling at TJ.

I shook my head and crossed my arms.

"Your not gunna do anything?" Nikki asked me.

I shook my head no, "TJ pissed me off. He deserves what ever Ronnie gives him."

"Evil! I like it!" Nikki yelled.

I rolled my eyes and locked them on Ronnie.

"What the fuck are you talking about, I done something to your sister?" TJ yelld at Ronnie.

Ronnie looked at him with a glare, "You dont follow me out to my bus and start shit."

"You came to mine and slamed me against it!" TJ yelled.

Ronnie bawled his fist up.

"Ronnie!" Ryan yelled at him.

Ronnie looked at him.

Ryan shook his head, "Dont do this."

Ronnie looked back at TJ.

"Did you even ask your sister what I did? Or did she lie to get us into it?" TJ said looking at me, then back at Ronnie.

"I dont fucking lie!" I yelled jumping in.

"Stay out of it." Ronnie glared at me.

I shook my head and got in TJ's face, "Radke's dont fucking lie. You fucking got in my face, just like im in yours now. And said, 'No you watch where your fucking going Radke' like I was trash. So get the fuck on some where."

TJ grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to he ground.

Ronnie bolted at him and knocked him on the ground ten times harder and faster.

"Mabbit, get your fucking gutiar player before I break his goddamn neck." Ronnie said with anger to Craig.

Craig jumped nad grabbed TJ, "This needs to fucking stop."

Ronnie crossed his arms and watched as Craig took TJ back to their bus.

Max walked up and put his hand on Ronnie, "You know I've been trying."

"I know. Thanks brother." Ronnie said hugging Max and walked on the bus.

I looked at Max and he looked at me.

"Im disapointed in you." He told me.

I looke at the ground the back at him, "Im sorry."

Max shook his head and started back to his bus.

Later on, we had torn down early since we played early. Plus Ronnie wasnt in a good mood what so ever, and he was ready to see his baby. We were playing Texas next and Ronnie's ex is suppose to bring Willow so she can stay with us the three days were there. I was excited to see my niece. She has just turned two not that long ago.

"Ronnie?" I said walking into the front of the bus, from the back lounge.

He looked up at me from his phone, "Yes?"

I sat next to him and lap my head on his lap, "I love you, you know that?"

Ronnie laughed and started petting my head, "Yes. I do. Did you know I love you twice as much?"

"Nope!" I said looking at Jacky across from us.

Jacky looked at me funny and went back to picking at his guitar with Brandy.

I laid there and watch the two of the play.

Brandy loved guitar and always begged her brother to play for her, or teach her. And from Brandys playing, Jacky is a damn good teacher. I was just glad Ryan gave me drum lessons at every band pratice. I hope one day I could be as good as uncle Ryan.

I woke up the next moring on the couch with a little two year old sitting ontop of me, slapping my face.

"Willow!" I yelled excited as I jumped up and hugged her.

"Cyynndyy!" She managed to say.

I squeezed her tight, then decided to look around to see who was there.

Ronnie was recording a video of us and Crissy was siting next to him laughing. Brandy was just crawling out of her bunk and Ryan was fixing left over pizza in the microwave.

"Like that rude awaking?" Ronnie asked me laughing.

I glared at him, then smiled back at Willow, who was playing with my bracletes.

"How've you been Cyndy?" Crissy asked me.

"Good." I said glancing at her.

She smiled and stood up, "Im gunna be off I guess. Take care of my baby."

"When do I not? I also got Cyndy, im sure she'd hog her the whole time were here anyways." Ronnie said kinda smart.

Crissy grawled and rolled her eyes as she leaned down and gave Willow goodbye kisses.

I looked at Ronnie, he just shook his head and buried his face in his hands.

I stood up and handed Willow to him.

Hes face lit up then.

"Im gunna go find Courtney." I told him.

Ronnie nodded his head, "Dont get lost. Remember, tomorrow is our first day off too, so you'll have plentey of time to hang out tomorrow."

I nodded my head and disapired off the bus.

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