Chaptee Six

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Right after Escape the Fate played, Max kept talking to me as well as Craig. So I walked with them to lunch and met up with Ronnie and everyone there.

"Where have you been?" Ronnie asked eyeing me.

I pointed at Craig and Max, "It's their fault. They don't know how to shut up."

"Hey!" Max said acting hurt.

I laughed and sat next to Brandy.

"Shit." Brandy said.

Ronnie and I both looked at her.

"I forgot what I was gunna tell you." Brandy said looking at me and laughing.

"Like always." Ronnie said laughing as well.

"Hush." Brandy snapped at him.

Jacky came over to our table with food, "Why are you snapping at Ronnie?"

Brandy shook her head, "Nothing."

Jacky looked at her funny and started eating.

"Let's go find Courtney and Lizzy and get some food!" I said yanking Brandy out of her seat.

Not too long, Brandy and I had found or friends and started to a table until Ash spotted us and walked up with Jake and Chris.

"Remeber me." Ash smiled

"How could I not?" I laughed.

She laughed, "We have a table over their. Nikki and the rest are over there along with Ricky."

Brandys eyes lit up.

"Okay, meet you there." I said as I found the table.

"I remember what I was gunna tell you!" Brandy said quietly, but excited.

"What?" I asked.

Brandy started to tell me, but someone ran into me and made me spill my food.

"Watch where you going." I said turning around and glared at then. It was TJ

"No you fucking watch it Radke." TJ said getting in my face.

I gripped my tray and started to hit him with it but Brandy stopped me.

"Don't." She told me.

I rolled my eyes and threw the tray to the floor as I stomped off and too the buses.

"Way to go, Bell." I heard Brandy yell.

I ran onto my brothers bus and sat on the couch, trying not to cry and break things. I wanted to hurt TJ so bad it wasnt even funny.

So many thoughts ran through my mind of what I would do to him if Brandy hadent of stopped me, but breaking me from my thoughts, I herd someone come on the bus.

I hugged me knees and staired at the floor.

"Cyndy? Whats wrong?" Ronnie instently asked as he knelt down infront of me.

I looked at him, then the bus door. Ryan was standing there with a worried look on his face.

"Look at me. What happened?" Ronnie asked.

I just looked at him and tears started to pour from my eyes.

Ronnie looked at Ryan, then back at me.

"Sis, plesae tell me who hurt you, or what happened. I'll take care of it." Ronnie said serious.

I had an evil thought in my head and started to cry more, "It was TJ! He ran into me at lunch on purpose. Then he got in my face and yelled at me."

I saw the anger on Ronnie's face after I told him.

"Ryan, stay with my sister?" Ronnie said looking at him.

Ryan nodded his head and sat next to me. He grabbed my legs and pulled them on his lap to hug them.

I looked at him and smiled a little.

*Ronnie's point of view.*

I couldnt believe what my sister told me. It made me ferous. I was ready to snap TJ in half. I never like TJ. I fucking hated him so bad. He never herd me out, always got mad when I'd play or fuck around with people. But he was not about to treat my sister like Trash.

I stormed over to ETF's bus and knocked on the door.

Craig opened it, "Ronnie! What are you doing over on our neck of the woods?"

I shook my head, "Not now Craig, wheres TJ?"

"TJ!" Craig yelled, "Whats going on?"

I didnt say anything, just crossed my arms and waited outside.

Craig stepped off the bus and waited for TJ as well.

Seconds, TJ came walking off the bus like a badass without a shirt on.

"Yea? What do you want?" TJ asked me with an attitude.

It pissed me off.

I shoved him against the bus and pinned him there, "You and that attitude, dont fly with me. Now what you did to my sister, was uncalled for. And you do it again, you'll be fucking sorry, understand?"

"Whoa Ronnie, what happend" Craig said looking at me and TJ.

I let go of TJ and he hell to the ground.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I said as I walked off.

*Cyndy's point of view.*

Once Ronnie had left, I started to feel alittle better, also with help from Ryan of course, always making me laugh.

"Hey, come on. Ash wants us to go hang out on her bus." Brandy said running onto the bus, then back off.

I looked at Ryan.

He nodded his head, "Go. I'll tell Ronnie."

I hugged him and took off after Brandy.

"What did Ronnie do?" Brandy asked looking at me funny as we walked across the buses parking lot.

I shurgged my shoulders, "All he said he was gunna go take care of TJ."

Brandy shook her head.

I just laughed.

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