Chapter Fifteen

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I ran into the lobby and found Lizzy, Courtney, Ash, and Brandy. I creeped up behind Courtney and covered her eyes.

"Who is it?" She asked.

I didnt say anything.

"Oh my god! I got to freaking tell you!" Brandy said excited when she noticed me.

I let go of Courtney, "Damn it!"

Lizzy laughed.

"You hush." I told her.

Ash looked at Brandy and nudged her, "Hurry and tell her before she gets distracted or interupted again."

"Oh yea! So about Nikki," Brandy started.

"What about Nikki?" Nikki said coming out of the elevator.

"Damn it Nikki!" Brandy, Lizzy, and Ash yelled at him.

He looked scared and hid behind me, "What?"

"You fuck it up!" Courtney told him.

"Fuck what up?" Nikki asked.

Brandy gave him a funny look.

"Oh! I'll leave." Nikki said as he turned around and back to the elevator.

"No! Dont go!" I said running after him.

"Cyndy!" Brandy yelled at me.

I jjust laughed and just missed Nikki going up the elevator.

"Lucky he got away." I said as I turned around to walk back over to the girls.

Just as I had turned around, someone ran into me. Hard. It knocked me over.

I looked up and it was TJ. I never felt so mad before.

I looked over at my friends and they all looked shocked.

I jumped up from the floor and shoved TJ to the ground.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled getting back up.

I glared at him and pushed him again.

"Fucking stop Radke." He snapped at me.

"Fucking stop Bell." I mocked him, pinning him to the wall.

He looked me up and down, then in my eyes. He had that anger look he always has.

"Hit me." He said with a smirk.

I laughed, "Dont pleasure me."

I let him go and started to turn around.

"Weakling." He said.

I turned around and pushed him back again.

"Hit me! Fucking hit me Radke." He begged.

I looked at the elevartor and Ryan came running out of it with Ronnie.

I had a smirk on my face as I looked back at TJ and pulled my fist back to hit him.

Just as I was about to make contact, Ronnie grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Let het go! Let her fucking touch me." TJ yelled coming after me.

I tried my best to pull away from Ronnie, but it was no use.

TJ smirk and spit in my face.

Ronnie loosened his grip on me, as if he was gunna let go, but he tightened it back up real fast.

I saw Max run over and grab TJ.

"I told you both to fucking stop." Max said grawling at TJ.

All I could so was smile.

Same as TJ.

"Its like you two fuckers enjoy this." Max said looking at both of us.

Deep down inside, I did. It made TJ and I interact together.

"Both of you are gunna be lock inside a room until you fix this. No one is coming out until your best fucking friends, who understand?" Craig said glaring at both of us, but mostly getting in TJ's face.

TJ jerked away from Max and smirked at me, "Deal."

I had a quick thought in my head and Ronnie let ago of me.

"You better behave." Ronnie told me serious.

I didnt say anything, just kept my eye on TJ as we walked up to a hotel room. I couldnt take my eyes off of him for some reason.

"Now fix it." Craig said throwing both of us in a room. "No one comes out till its done."

"Its four now. We'll be back at six. If its not fix by then, you both will regreat it." Ronnie said looking at his phone then us.

TJ flipped him off.

"Bell. I swear to fucking god. I will bite your goddamn head off with that fucking addititude."

TJ roleld his eyes and sat on the bed.

Craig put his hand on Ronnie's shoulder, "Lets leave them be."

Ronnie took another look at both of us and locked the door as he went out.

I looked at TJ then the door.

"Im not talking." He said blankly.

"Good me either." I said crossing my arms.

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