Chapter Thirty

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*Cyndys point of view.*

The next day, Lizzy, Brandy, and I were on the FIR bus. Chris even talked Courtney into joining us. So we made it a whole girls day and kicked Ronnie out of he back lounge to watch movies until we got to the next venu which was Michigan. I loved going to Detroit . I loved that city.

"What should we watch now?" I asked everyone.

"Lets watch a chick flick!" Courtney suggested.

Brandy and I glared at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Fuck. That." We both said.

Lizzy looked at all of our movies.

"Plus we dont have any of those." I told her.

Brandy nodded her head, "Very few action and comdy."

"Mostly horror." I laughed.

Courtney shook he head and laughed.

"How about this?" Lizzy said handing me a movie.

It was, 'The Conjuring.'

"Yes!" I said excited.

"You've seen that already." Brandy said, "Was it that good?"

I nodded my head and put the movie in.

Brandy and I gathered on the back couch. Lizzy and Courtney laid on the side couch.

"I have popcorn, soda and candy!" Ryan and Jacky said popping their heads into the back lounge.

Brandy and I jumped up attacking them, taking the food from them, then sat back down.

"Hey no hugs or thank yous?" Jacky said crossing his arms.

"Thank you!" Courtney and Lizzy said, stuffing their faces full of popcorn.

Brandy and I got back up and hugged them both.

"Thats better." Jacky said looking at us with a laugh.

"Lazy asses." Ryan said glaring at Lizzy and Courtney.

"Hey. I said thank you." Courtney laughed.

Ryan flipped all of us off and him and Jacky, left us to our movie.

At last, we were finally in Detroit. I was beyond excited. I was glad the first day we were there we had a day off. I was ready to explore. Ronnie wasnt took excited for me to explore without him, but I had Nikki with me as well Brandy and Ricky. It was going to be fun as fuck.

"Cyndy! Look!" Brandy said pointing to a random ass building.

I looked at her then it, "What about it?"

"I dunno just thought I would point something out." He laughed.

I shook my head and laughed.

"You random babe." Ricky said, swinging his and Brandy's hands back and forths.

She smiled up at him, and we all conuited walking.

Mid walking, getting close to eight mile, I covered my mouth.

"Cyndy?" Nikki said looking at me.

Brandy turned around and looked at me.

I shook my head and ran around the corner of the next building with her following me. I couldnt stop puking and it was making me mad.

"I hate this!" I yelled.

Brandy rubbed my back, "Its fine. Promise."

I looked at her and shook my head as we started walking back to the boys.

"Stop!" Someone yelled.

We turned around and there were two guys standing behind us.

Brandy started to yell for Ricky, but one of the guys covered her mouth.

"Dont yell. Just listen." The guy that grabbed her said.

The other guy looked at me, "Are you sick?"

I had my mouth over my hand again, trying not to puke.

I shook my head no.

The guy looked at me funny.

I couldnt help it and started puking again.

"GROSS!" The guy yelled.

I glared at him, "Im fucking pregnet."

The guys eyes got wide, "Just give us what money you have."

"We have none." I told him.

He shook his head and pushed me to the ground, "Lies!"

"Hey! Stop!" Ricky said running around the corner with Nikki behind him.

The guy that pushed me took off. The guy that had Brandy, ripped off her necklace Ricky gave her, then took off. Ricky conuited after them, but Nikki stopped and help me up.

"Are you okay?" Nikki asked me.

I nodded my head and looked at Brandy, "Are you?"

"They took my damn necklace." He said angery.

I couldnt help but laugh a little.

"I couldnt catch them." Ricky said walking back to us, out of breath.

Brandy instently hugged him, "Its okay."

"Are you sure? You loved that necklace." Ricky said looking at her.

Brandy smiled and kissed him, "I still have you and thats okay."

We all laughed a little.

"We need to get you guys back and let Ronnie know what happened." Nikki said serious.

I rolled my eyes, "There goes my adventuring for the rest of Mayhem.

"Hey, its almost over anyways. Plus you need to e careful." Ricky pointed out.

I shook my head and we went back to the hotel.

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