Chapter Thirty Two

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Mayhem, was at last, finally over. No more TJ! No more random ass shit pissing everyone off. We were finally, home. I was really relieft that there was no more, TJ, but I knew soon, there would be and I was scared. I was about to pop, is how close It was getting. Nikki had been staying with Ronnie, Brandy, Jacky and I alot now it was getting closer. Ricky came over alot too, but Brandy refused to leave in case she missed anything. Courtney came over alot too, bringing Austin. They were doing pretty good too. Austin bought Courtney anything she wanted. It was sweet, but I still had doubts about him.

As for finding out what the baby was, it was a girl, like I had said. Nikki and I tossed alot of names around till we finally settled on Ashlyn Jade. We were still debating on which last name to give her, either mine or Nikkis. Ronnie wanted her to have mine, but Nikki wanted her to have his. But we still didnt know, if she was gunna be TJ's or Nikkis. So my last name was looking better right now.

"Nikki." I said looking at him from across the room.

He didnt say anything just shook his head.

I rolled my eyes and started watching tv.

Ronnie and Nikki wouldnt talk to each other. It killed me. They use to like each other, till they started fighting who my babys last name gets. I honestly wanted to keep her as a Radke. Plus, no one really knew Nikki's last name, because he went by Misery.

"Cyndy, can I see you in the kitchen?" Ronnie called for me.

I got up and started to the kitchen. I heard Nikki grawl.

I rolled my eyes again and went in the kitchen.

"Yes?" I said sitting at the table.

Ronnie looked at me serious and sat infront of me, "You know this is soon right?"

I nodded my head.

"Cyndy, you need to know what last name." He said serious.

"Oh my god! Nicolas!" I yelled.

Nikki slowly made his way into the kitchen and leaned on the door frame.

I looked at him and point to the seat next to me, between me and Ronnie.

Nikki did as he was told and sat next to me.

Ronnie started to say something, but I stopped him.

"Now you two are being so damn childish. I hate seeing you ignore each other. Its not good for me. I know you both want her to have both your names and thats what is going to happen." I said serious.

"What?" They both said.

I nodded my head, "Yea, shes gunna be Ashlyn Jade Radk-Orozco."

Nikki looked at Ronnie then me, "That im fine with."

Ronnie smiled, "Me too."

"Fucking kiss and make up now, damn." I said crossing my arms.

Nikki and Ronnie laughed as they hugged each other.

"You know what im in the mood for?" Brandy said running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"What could that possibly be?" I asked.

Ricky came running behind her, "Ice Cream!"

"I agree!" I said jumping up.

"Agree on what?" Jacky said coming in the room.

"Ice cream." We all yelled.

Jacky shook his head.

"Lets all load up in the van." Ronnie said grabbing the keys.

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