Chapter Thirty One

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"What happened?!" Ronnie yelled after Nikki told him everything.

I shook my head, "Like I planed that."

"Cyndy, sis. Your pregnet. I could have lost you and my niece/or/nephew. That scares the fuck out of me. If you wanna go out again, im coming." He said serious.

"Hey, Im okay with that. I thought you wouldnt let me go at all." I laughed.

Ronnie shook his head and laughed as well.

"Can I walked around the hotel with Brandy and what not?" I asked looking at Ronnie.

Ronnie looked at both of us.

"Well?" I asked.

Ronnie nodded his head.

I hugged him, "Thank you."

"Please dont get in trouble." Ronnie said as Brandy and I started out the door.

"We will!" I yelled to him.

*Ronnie's point of view.*

"Kids. I swear." I said to Nikki as  my sister went out the door with Brandy.

"I get so worried about her." Nikki told me.

I looked at him funny, "Why? My sister can handle her own."

Nikki looked up at me, "You worry about her."

"Im her brother. Im always gunna worry, but its her being pregnet thats got it up alot." I admited.

Nikki nodded his head, "I never thought in the middle of my career, would I be a dad. And either way this thing goes, Im gunna. I want to be. I dont want anything happening to her or the baby."

I looked at Nikki and sat next to him, "Me and you both dont want anything to happen. And I really hope the baby turns out to be your, not just cause I hate TJ ,but I like you. My sister does to, alot."

Nikki looked at me with relief, "Thanks dude."

"Your welcome. And your welcome to come and stay with me and Cyndy whenever and how long you want." I told him.

"That sounds good." He said laughing.

"Here. Lets have a beer." I said handing him a cold one from the fridge.

"To a good future between the two of us." Nikki said looking at me.

I nodded my head and raised my beer, "To us."

*Cyndy's point of view.*

"Lets go to the top!" I said excited.

Brandy took of running up the stairs.

I shook my head and got on the elevator.

The elevator had stopped one floor from the top. TJ got on.

My eyes got wide.

He looked at me, then the ground and got on, standing next to me.

I glared at him the whole time.

"Can you not?" He said, being a bit serious.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Look. Im sorry. I didnt intend this to happen. I dont want this as much as you dont want me too." He said hateful.

I tightened my fist and pushed him, "TJ I dont want your pitty. If this kid is yours, your going to pay for it."

TJ rolled his eyes.

"Nikki wants it to be his. I want it to be his. I dont think I want a test to find out. I just want to say its Nikkis." I said actually thinking about.

TJ smirked, "Does Nikki really want my bastered child?"

I swung my fist and punch TJ in the face.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me in the eye, "Its true and you know it! Nobody in your little family likes me. And they will not want a bastered Bell child running around. Being the little demonic shit he will be."

I wanted to hit him again, but he had my arms. I wanted to say something, but I just started crying.

The elevator got to our floor. Brandy was standing there. TJ walked off and vanished. Brandy got in the elevator.

"What did he say?" She asked.

I looked at Brandy, "I dont wanna have TJ's child Brandy. I dont."

Brandy looked back at the elevator.

"Nobody will want him. Noone wants a Bell in the Radke line." I cried.

Brandy had an angery look on his face, "Cyndy. Ronnie and Nikki both care about you and your baby."

"They just think its gunna be Nikkis, but I feel hes gunna be TJ's." I said serious.

Later on, Brandy and I avoided everyone, but she finally got me to where I needed to talk to Ronnie and Nikki about this. About what happened.

"TJ SAID WHAt?!" Ronnie yelled.

Nikki got up and paced back and forths, "I never said anything like that. I want to have him, no matter whose he is."

"I fucking agree." Ronnie said slaming his hands on the table. "Cyndy, you still have to find out, cause TJ is gunna pay for child support."

I nodded my head.

Nikki looked at Ronnie, then knelt down infront of me, "Can I talk to you in another room?"

I looked at him funny, then looked at my brother.

Ronnie nodded his head.

"Sure." I said as Nikki took my hand and led me to the next room.

I sat on the bed and looked at Nikki.

He sat infront of me and put his hand on my leg.

"Cyndy, I wanted to tell you, this child is going to be my everything. I dont give a fuck if he turns out to be TJ's. I dont give a fuck. I'd love for him to be mine, but maybe next time." He started to say, "Im telling you basiclly, is, im not going anywhere. Im gunna stick around and I dont want you worriing that I will give up when it gets tough, cause I wont. I swear."

My heart started racing. I couldnt help but wanna love Nikki more then anything right now. And I think I did.

"What im saying is, I love you. I plan on sticking with you for a very, very long time." He said looking me in the eye, then the bed between us.

I didnt say anything, just grabbed Nikki's fac and kissed him.

He smiled at me and hugged me.

"I love you too Nikki." I said threw tears.

"Good." He said.

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