Chapter Five

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I walked up to the ETF bus and knocked on it. Craig anwsered the door.

"Little Radke! Whats up?!" He said hugging me.

I laughed, "Where Max?"

"Inside, come on in." Craig said as he let me on his bus.

I walked on and noticed TJ sitting with Thrasher on the couch.

TJ glared at me and I glared back at him.

Max came out of the back lounge after Craig got him.

Max slapped his hands infront of TJ's face.

"Stop." Max said serious.

TJ rolled his eyes and disapired in the back of the bus.

"You were looking for me?" Max asked.

I hugged him instently.

"Missed you too!" Max laughed.

"I just found out you guys were playing so I came after you. And Ronnie wants you to come to his bus." I told Max.

Max nodded his head, "Sweet sweet, lets go then!" Max said as he started out of the bus.

I looked at the back of the bus and TJ came walking out without a shirt on. He glared at me again.

I shot him glared back at him, but was jerked off the bus by Max.

"Stop it with him. I dont want nothing started." Max said as we started walking.

I rolled my eyes and followed Max back to Ronnie's bus.

We got to Ronnie's bus and he came off of it and hugged Max.

Max whispered something in Ronnie's ear.

Ronnie looked at Max, then me.

"Go to the merch tent and get ready." Ronnie told me.

"But I wanna spend time with Max." I said looking at him funny.

Ronnie crossed his arms and glared at me.

"I'll come swing by before I play and chill at your merch tent with you." Max said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and agreed as Max and Ronnie walked on to the bus.

After a few hours of fans being let in and there was thirty mins before Fallling in Reverse played. A few fans walked up and just looked. We sold alot of merch with in the first hour, now everyone was just woundering around in the sun.

"Guess who!" I herd someone say as they jumped behind me and had their hands over my eyes.

"Max!" I yelled as I turned around and hugged him.

"Max!" Brandy also yelled.

Max hugged her and smiled, "Told you I'd come by."

"A few minutes before FIR plays." I laughed.

"Im gunna go watch, hush." Max told me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed again.

"What are you doing running around?" Brandy asked him.

"Im very sociable." Max said with a smile.

I glared at him, "Mhm, what did you tell Ronnie?"

"No of your buessniess." MAx said flicking my nose as he took off.

"Hey!" I yelled.

Max walkd infront of the table, "Hets for Horse. Cows eat grass. IF you dont like that you can kiss my ass."

I reached to grab him and pull him over the table but he ran off.

"Max!!" I yelled.

"See you at the stage!" He yelled back.

I sat down a growled.

"Hush. Down dog." Brandy laughed at me.

I laughed.

Once we came back to the merch booth from the stage to watch my brother, we sat down and started going threw the pictures I had taken when the Fronz's sister came back to her merch booth.

Brandy and I both looked at her.

She looked at us and didn't say anything.

"I wish you would talk to us. Were not bad people." Brandy told her.

"I know your not." She said finally speaking.

I smiled, "We can be good friends. Promise."

She smiled back at me, "Alright."

"Eat lunch with us?" Brandy asked her.

She nodded her head yea and started talking to a fan that had walked up to the Attila merch table.

"I demean to meet Ronald Radke!" Max said slamming his hands on the table.

I smiled, "Sorry sir, my brother is to good for you."

"How dare he! I am Max the great!" Max yelled.

I shook my head, "You guys about to play?"

I noticed Craig walking to the stage, getting stopped by fans. Thrasher and Robert were behind him. Then I saw TJ. He starred me down. I didn't like it.

Max turned and saw TJ and I glaring at each other.

"Damn it Cyndy. Stop." Max said slapping the table breaking my attention.

I looked at Max.

Brandy had a confused look on her face.

"That's what I had to talk to Ronnie about." Max said quietly.

"Him?" I said talking about TJ.

Max rolled his eyes, "No you and TJ looking at each other like that. We don't want to fuck anything up being the bands. And with TJs temper and yours, it won't be good if things are said."

"I'm not going to do anything unless he does first." I said crossing my arms.

"Exactly that's what I'm worried about." He said.

"Come on Max were about to start!" Thrasher said running over to Max.

Max nodded his head, "You gunna come take pictures?"

"Sure!" I said excited as I grabbed my camera.

"Cyndy!" Brandy yelled for me.

I stopped and looked at her.

"I got to tell you something before we go to lunch when you get back." Brandy told me.

I smiled and ran off to the stage.

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