Chapter Two

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The night before Mayhem started, Ronnie has all of us loaded onto the bus and started toward the venu since it was all the way up in Northern California.

Brandy and I was in the back pary lounge, listening to music and freaking out over the bands. Ronnie and everyone else was upfront asleep except Derek and Ryan.

"Hey I just got a text message." I said noticing my phone vibrated.

Brandyy looked at my funny, "Who is it this late?"

"Its JJ! He said they just got put on Mayhem last minute!" I yelled excited.

"JJ? As in, The Killing Lights?" She asked me.

I nodded my head proudly.

We both herd a knock on the door.

"Come in." We both said.

Ronnie opened the door and didnt look very happy.

"What is it bubba?" I asked him.

He glared at me, "Whats with the yelling?"

"Oh I just got excited that one of my friends are playing Mayhem last minute annouced." I told him.

He looked at me, "And that would be?"

"The Killing Lights." I said looking at the floor.

Ronnie rolled his eyse, "Great. Now got to sleep its, 2 am."

"Okay will do." I told him, smiling at him.

"Love you!" Ronnie yelled at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Love you too."

That following morning, we got woken up by Jacky and Ronnie both yelling for us.

"We shouldnt have stayed up as late as we did." Brandy said putting her pillow on her face.

I laughed and got up to get my clothes from my bunk.

"What are you gunna wear on the first day? Are we gunna go see Motionless in Whites set? Or New Years Day?" Brandy kept asking me.

I rolled my eyes, "Yes of course we are gunna go see there set. And I think im gunna wear, my ripped up and I mean really ripped up blue jeans and a Falling In Reverse shirt."

"Sounds good! Im gunna wear a AX7 shirt and ripped up skinnys." Brandy said as she started to change.

"Ready?" I herd Ronnie knocking on the door.

I finished my eyeliner and looked at Brandy as she finished getting dressed.

"Yes." I said as I opened the door.

Ronnie hugged me and licked my face, "Arnt you so cute!"

I shook my head and pushed him off, "God loser."

Ronnie pushed me down the hallway in the bus.

I just glared at him and laughed.

"Whos playing when?" Brandy asked as we walked off the bus.

I looked around and noticed New Years Day and Motionless in White parked together.

"I dunno." I said shurgging my shoulders.

Brandy looked at the buses then me as we started walking into the gate, "Did you hear, MIW and Attila have their younger sisters running merch just like us?"

"Really?" I said looking at her funny.

Brandy nodded her head.

"Well. Ronnie told me he'd have the crew set up our merch. Why dont we go check it out and see if they are before the venu opens? We got an hour." I told her.

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