Chapter 12

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Klaus's POV

"I don't get it..I honestly don't get it" I whispered to myself. I just thought everything was going good...amazing. What could I have done wrong?

Caroline's POV

"Okay..what the hell was that about?" Rebekah asked

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently

She rolled her eyes. "For your information, Nik told me what happened last night so don't play all dumb..." 

"H-he told you???" 

"I mean, not willingly but yes he told me. He came home all happy and I wanted to know yeah" 

"O-ow...." I looked at the ground 

"Now, tell me what that was about. Why did you ignore him?" she asked curiously

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to sound weak...but I knew she wouldn't just let me go without an answer.

"Hello???? Just answer me.." she asked clearly annoyed

"I-I-I" I really didn't know what to say....

"Caroline??? Look I really want to be your friend but I don't want you to hurt my brother okay?? So I need to know" 

I never had the intention of hurting Klaus...I just wanted to get out of there and there was only one way without having to tell her the truth.


She looked shocked like she didn't expect me to be so angry.. 

When I got downstairs I saw Klaus still standing in the same position as before I got upstairs. I knew he had heard the conversation between Rebekah and I. 

Right before I could exit the house Klaus speeded up to me. He was standing right in front of me with almost no space between us. He was looking right in my eyes like he was trying to read them. After 10 seconds which seemed like 2 hours, he stepped aside letting me leave. 

Without saying something I left, I didn't know where to go. 

I didn't want to go to the hotel room because I would just sit there thinking about what just happened. 

I decided to go to a bar, I needed a drink anyways.

"Something strong please" I asked the bartender, he had blond hair and blue eyes. He really reminded me of Matt what made me smile. 

"Rough night?" someone said.

"Rough year.. so if you don't want to make it worse I suggest you leave." I said annoyed

"Calm down" He said while taking the seat next to me.

"Marcel..I don't want you here so get away" I said raising my voice.

He didn't move one bit so I gave him a rude look. After a while of me staring at my drink and he staring at me he finally said "could you please forgive me, I'm sorry" 

"Forgive you" I laughed

"Yeah! just give me a chance to prove I'm not a bad guy." he smiled

"Pffff okay then, I will give y..." 

His smile widened. Before I could even finish my sentence he reached out his hand to me. I gave him a weird look. 

"What?? I want us to start over" he said still smiling like an idiot

I laughed and took his hand. 

"I'm Marcel" he laughed

"and I'm Caroline" 

"So tell me a little about yourself" he asked

We talked about my life, my childhood and we talked about his. We stayed at the bar until midnight. 

"I should get going" I said

"Okay but first.." he came closer and reached his hand out to me "forgiven?"

"Yes" I answered and I shook his hand. He smirked and I rolled my eyes. 

I went straight to the hotel room, it was late so I went to bed instantly. 


I looked at the clock and it was already 11:37. I checked my phone and I saw that I had 2 texts 

Rebekah: We need to talk. 

I really wasn't looking forward to seeing Rebekah but I knew it was necessary. I texted her back with "Okay, come to my place" 

Marcel: Hey! Want to meet up today? ;)

"What how did he even get my number" I whispered to myself. Oh yeah, I was drunk enough to give it to him last night, I remembered. "Okay, I will text you when I have time" I answered. I couldn't meet up with him now because Rebekah would come.

I knew that the only thing that I did yesterday was running away from the problem. I knew I would have to talk someday. 

After only 5 minutes I heard a knock on the door, I was still in pajamas but I didn't really care. 

"Come in" I said friendly when I opened the door.

She stepped inside but she didn't say anything. 

So I decided to talk. "I-I'm really sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have talked to you that way. I-I-I just wasn't ready to tell you yet. But I um I guess now I am." I said.

She gave me a small smile "it's okay, I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have forced you to talk" 

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" she added and she hugged me

"But I want to tell you so.." I took a deep breath 

"When I woke up yesterday, I was so happy.. because I kissed him.. but then I realized..that..i-it was the first guy I-I kissed since Stefan d-died.." I started to sob when saying his name. "I totally forgot about him these past few days and now...the guilt is killing me." I said as fast as I possibly could.

"I get it now, I'm so sorry Caroline.." I could she that she was truly sorry. 

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