Chapter 11

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Caroline's POV

I woke up in my hotel room alone, like usual. I started to remember last night. How I danced with Klaus, how I kissed him and how right it felt. I remembered how he had asked me to stay the night at the Mikaelsons house but I didn't want to be a burden so I declined. And lastly I remembered how he took me home, well the hotel, and how he left. 

I jumped out of my bed and I went to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled "I kissed Klaus Mikaelson" I kept repeating this sentence. After every time I said the sentence my smile faded a little bit. Everything I thought felt right, quickly turned out to feel wrong. I realized that it was the first man I had kissed since Stefan died. Tears started to form in my eyes. I realized that I had completely forgotten about Stefan for the past few days. 

"I'm a horrible person" I shouted at myself in the mirror. I took my phone and I called Stefan, I just wanted to hear his voice. 

S: "Hello, it's Stefan, right now I'm not me back!"

I cried at hearing his voice, I couldn't help but smile as well.

C: "Stefan, I know you will never hear this... but I miss you so much, I love you and I will love you forever..I will see you day..I love you"

I hung up, I used the same words that I used the last time I called him. I will love you forever... It was also the last thing he told me..or that he asked Elena to tell me. 

I wiped my tears away and I got back inside my bed. I mean, what was the point anyways of going out. I just wanted one day, one day of doing absolutely nothing. But of course that wasn't given to me. 

Someone called me, the called ID said it was Rebekah. I just ignored it. It rang a second time...I ignored it. It rang a third time.

C: "Take a hint.. what do you want?" I shouted really annoyed.

R: "What the bloody hell is your problem? I need you to come to my place. We need to talk" and with that, she ended the call. She didn't even give me an opportunity to decline.

I rolled my eyes and after debating with myself whether I should go or not, I decided to just quickly  go to her to see what she wanted to talk about. A part of me was annoyed that she wanted to talk but another part of me was curious to know what was so important. 

I chose some clothes, a simple grey shirt and a black skinny jeans, and I freshened up a bit in the bathroom. Then I left to the Mikaelsons house. 

While walking to the house, I decided to act as normal as I could. Like nothing happened. Like I wasn't sad. I was just going to listen to my friend. I just hoped I wouldn't see Klaus there, I really wasn't feeling talking to him right now.

When I arrived to the house, I immediately walked in. I saw Rebekah waiting for me, sitting on the couch. "What took you so long.." she questioned in an annoyed voice. 

"I'm sorry...I was a bit busy" I lied. 

"It's okay but I need to tell you something." 

"Yeah..I hope it's important" I laughed

"Okay so you remember that guy from last night..his name was Bl.."

"Blake! How could I forget him" I chuckled "What about him?" 

"We danced the whole evening, after you left we danced for 2 more hours... and it was a-ma-zing. He is such a gentleman and he is so sweet" she said with a big smile

"I'm so happy for you Bekah! You deserve to be happy!"

"That's not everything...he asked me to go on a date with him tonight!" she said excitedly

"Oh my god!! That's amazing" 

"What's amazing?" a voice said, the voice belonged to Klaus. No, no, no this was exactly what I didn't want to happen. I saw him staring at me but I didn't even bother to give him a single look. I know, so rude...but I just couldn't do it. Every time I thought about last night...I started to think about Stefan. 

When Rebekah noticed that I wasn't planning on answering, she answered Klaus. 

"I'm going on a date tonight!" she said with a smile on her face. Klaus just smiled and then his gaze went back to me, waiting for me to look back at him, waiting for me to say something. There was a long silence. I could feel his eyes burning on my skin.

Rebekah noticed the tension in the room so she quickly said "Caroline, let's go upstairs, you need to help me getting ready for the date!" 

"Yeah sure!" I was so thankful that she did that, I couldn't take it any longer. Before going upstairs I just wanted to get a quick glance of Klaus, I wanted to see his expression. I immediately wished that I hadn't done that. He looked confused, hurt, angry. 

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