Rowen (1)

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Romeo was the last to return.

Wendy sat talking with Carla about what might happen to the others and their new problems with the love potion.

Romeo walked up.

"Hey," he said as casually as possible.

"Hi," Wendy replied shyly. She could see that Romeo was having symptoms from the potion already.

"I-I want to.... nevermind," Romeo was about to walk away when Wendy found it was her who reached out and grabbed Romeo.

"Ah!" Wendy pulled her hand back, "what were you going to say?"

"I was going to say....." Romeo shut his eyes tight and clenched his fists, "That... Ilikeyou!"

Wendy's eyes widened as Romeo opened one eye to see her face turn red.

Carla was the first to speak after a while.

"Romeo, you idiot, just take her for a walk or something!"

So the two went in a walk as the sun set. They talked casually, Romeo occasionally saying something nice to Wendy. He said things that complimented her, made her do that shy happy shrug she did.

Then he ran home to his father, who waited at the table for him.

"I saw you confessed to Wendy," He said.

"Dad, I have no idea what's gotten into me!"

"You know you're too young to date!"

"But dad! I think it's Juvia's fault! She poisoned a bunch if us men today with love potion she poured in beer so she could get Grey! I just so happened to drink Natsu's poisoned drink..."

"You're still in a lot if trouble young man! I've told you not to sip other's drinks!"

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