Miraxus (4)

712 23 4

Mirajane stood in the fairy tail guild hall, cleaning glasses while thinking about her and Laxus' conversation in the sub shop.

To say the least, it didn't end well.


Laxus turned sour as soon as he walked into the sub shop.

"I am sick of this potion! I can get a girl on my own, without being a softie!" Laxus thought. He was tired of acting so weak and bashful. He could overpower Mira in a second if he wanted to.

"Laxus, why aren't you eating? You look mad too," Mirajane brought up casually.

"It's all this stupid potion's fault that you think I'm such a weakling. I could've had you bowing at my feet for mercy if I wanted you to!"

Mirajane glared at him. "I wouldn't beg for mercy if my life depended on it, and I certainly wouldn't stand to be suppressed by a jerk like you!"


Mirajane transformed at once and dragged him outside. The potion kicked in at the wrong time. While Laxus was gawking at her demonic beauty, she beat him up. People stared.

As she started walking away, Laxus reduced to a pulp on the sidewalk, she could barely hear him whimper an apology.

"I bet that's only the potion speaking..." She said only loud enough for him to hear over her shoulder as she stormed away.

"H-hey lady!! Your sandwich!" The sub shop owner shouted after her.

Mirajane glared at nothing in particular and replied, still walking, and not turning around, "I've lost my appetite."


Mirajane lay on her bed angrily. Laxus got so fed up with the potion that it came to him taking it out on her.

"What a jerk," She mumbled.

There was a knock on her door. She quickly changed into her demon form and opened the door.

"LAXUS, I SWEAR IF YOU TRY TO-" she paused in mid punch, for it was only Elfman.

She then had to explain what had happened.

"Why I oughtta!!!" Elfman shouted and stood from Mira's couch.


"Nii-chan! You're still defending him even though he's being a jerk to you?! He's totally not a man!" Elfman objected.

Mirajane glared at her brother, "I can beat him up if I like, you can beat him up too I'm sure of it, but what good will it do anyway? It's only going to make it worse. I'm going to ignore him from now on, until the potion passes."

Elfman sighed. "I suppose you're right."

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