Rowen (4)

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"AAAAGHHH!!!" Wendy shouted from her room.

Carla came in very quietly to find Wendy with her face buried in a pillow, her legs flailing about as if she were struggling against something.

"That potion might've rubbed of on you, Wendy." Carla said sarcastically.

"Well, imagine if you were in my position!" Wendy sighed, "I can't stop thinking about him. I keep forgetting that it's just a potion..."

"Ignore him."

"I can't do that! Romeo is still in there! How will he react after it wears off! I couldn't forgive myself if I did something so mean to a friend..." Wendy flopped back on her bed, clearly at a loss of what to do.

3 hours before....

Romeo was stuck in his hospital bed. The doctors had gave him an antidote to weaken the effects of the potion. His father was outside trying call members of the guild to the hospital and probably getting food.

"This is all my fault... no... it's that stinking potion's fault!!!" He shouted as tears welled up in his eyes, "all because of that I'm going to look like a fool in front of-"

"In front of who...?"

With a slight gust of wind, Romeo looked up to see Wendy and Carla standing at the door to his hospital room. Wendy had a worried look on her face, which made Romeo's heart sink even more.

Without a word, she walked over (Carla stayed just outside the door) and began to work her healing magic on his leg.

"My, what you've gotten yourself into..."

"I'm really sorr-"

"It's not anyone's fault. Not yours, not Juvia's, and not mine." Wendy looked up at him and gave a small smile that made Romeo blush, and that made Wendy blush. Quickly looking away, she focused on healing his broken leg.

-Present hour-

"What would you have done, Carla?"

"The same thing that you did. I honestly can't think of a better outcome. Maybe tomorrow, it will wear off and you two can clear it all up."

Weny hid her blush and nervousness by pressing herself into her pillow and saying, "I hope you're right."

"I am right! Cheer up. For what it's worth, I think you two would be great together."

"Carla!!!" Wendy squealed, "D-don't say things like that!"

Carla dodged the pillow that Wendy threw at her and replied, "A blind man could tell that you two liiiiiiiike eachother!" Carla laughed at her own imitation of the cat she knew named Happy.

Wendy had to laugh too.

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