Rowen (3)

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Romeo sulked in his room. hi father was not taking kindly to his love potion side effects.

"Come on Romeo! You're never like this!" He thought as he stuffed his head under a white pillow.

Romeo couldn't stop what the potion was asking of him. Romeo knew he was grounded, he knew it would only bring him heartbreak if he tried to leave his room, but he did it anyway, because deep down he really did like Wendy.

But the potion was taking it too far.

Romeo slipped out of his bedroom window, quietly. "Thank goodness this tree is so close to my window..." He was on the second floor. Romeo reached and kept into the tree with all his strength.

Now the hard part was getting down, and he already had splinters in his hands from the tree's rough bark. Romeo clung to the tree.

"I'm a good climber I can do this. for Wendy!" Romeo whispered as he attempted to begin his decent.

Alas! Poor Romeo! He hit a dead limb and before he knew what was happening, everything went black.


Wendy paced her room incessantly. Carla watched from the bed with a discouraged look on her face.

"Why fret over him so much?" Carla said, but only to break the silence.

"I-I don't think it's right to leave him hanging..." Wendy replied looking at the lush carpet beneath her tiny feet, "He's so nice. it wouldn't be right to do that to such a sweet kid."

Carla stood. "Are you saying you like him back?!"

"And what if I do?!" Wendy noticed Carla was getting defensive like usual so she wanted to put a quick stop to it, "Please don't make this harder than it already is." Wendy pleaded, her shoulders slumping. "So what if I actually like someone. It can't be that bad. It actually feels pretty nice."

Back with Romeo...

Romeo's father looked everywhere for him and found him under the tree. He shook his son awake quite roughly.

"Romeo! Why did you go out your window?!" He asked sharply.

Romeo could only reply with what his heart truly felt. It was the potion that made him say those humiliating words.

"I like Wendy so much! I want to see her and talk to her! She's an amazing girl, who I would like to spend some time with why can't you help me father?!" Romeo's face twisted into a pathetic I'm-about-to-cry kind of face. "Wendy is... everything, weather it be the potion or not!"

His father sighed and the two sat in silence.

"Well. After a fall like that... are you hurt?"

Romeo nodded and showed his leg with a wince. His father took him to the hospital and called Wendy along with some of the guild members who would need to know.

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