37 ; The Crossover Pt. 6

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Nicole: You fucking asshole! Why would you do something so stupid!?

Alexus: Did you really have to hit me?

Kiara: Be glad thats all she did.

Nicole: Wait for it.

She grabbed Alexus's ear and pulled it while smacking her again.

Alexus: Ow. Man stop!

She grabbed Nicole's hands so she'd stop smacking her.

Nicole: Your such an idiot.

Alexus: But you love this idiot.

Nicole: Yeah I do.

Alexus pecked Nicole's lips multiple times.

Me: Goals.

Alexus: Hah. I know right. So when can I leave.

Jacob: When the doctor comes in and clears you.

Nicole: Until then just rest. You have smoke inhalation.

Me: How'd you know? You weren't awake when they diagnosed her.

Nicole: Im a nurse. Her symptons are not hard to miss.

Me: Makes sense.

She closed her eyes and cuddled herself back into Alexus's side.

Alexus: Where's our kids?

Nicole: With El and Bella.

Alexus: Okay.

Nicole drifted back off.

Alexus: I actually need your help.

She looked around at all of us.

Me: With what?

She looked down at Nicole then gently held up her left hand and pointed at the ring finger. My eyes widened when I understood what she meant.

Erik: No way. Forreal!?

Nicole: Shut up asshole. Im sleeping.

She shifted so she was ontop of Alexus. Alexus slid her hands to Nicole's ass and cupped it.

Carlos: We're still here, yanno.

Alexus: I dont give a shit.

We laughed which made Nicole sit up and look around at all of us.

Nicole: I swear to God if all of yall dont shutup, Im kicking all of your asses.

She looked down at Alexus.

Nicole: You included.

Me: Why are you so tired?

Nicole: You try raising two kids, being worried about someone who wants to be an idiot and running on only 4 hours of sleep and tell me if your not tired.

Me: Touche.

She laid back down and buried her face in Alexus's neck.

Alexus: We'll talk about that later.

It went silent seeing as how we didn't want an asswhooping by Nicole. A few minutes later the door opened and the doctor came in.

Doctor: Good Evening Ms. Martin. So you have smoke inhalation. We're going to treat it with Bronchodilators, which helps open your lungs and clean out the smoke. Your free to go. Have a goodnight.

She smiled and walked out after leaving a medical bag. Alexus gently slid Nicole off of her and grabbed her clothes and changed into them. She looked at Nicole before whispering to us.

Alexus: Im gonna take her back to the hotel. Let's meet up somewhere to talk about that.

Kiara: A bar?

Me: There's one on 4th street.

Jacob: How far is that?

Me: Round the corner. From the hotel maybe twenty.

Jacob: Aight.

Me: Nicole should have the keys in her purse thingy.

Alexus: Aight. Thanks.

She lifted her up and grabbed her purse thing while I carried the medicine. We walked out and down to the parking garage. She woke her up and Nicole was pissed.

Nicole: Why the hell do you keep wa-

Alexus: Where'd you park?

Nicole: Since you wanna cut me off, press panic and find it your self.

She sat on the curb and crossed her arms.

Alexus: Your being a real pain in my ass right now, Nicole.

Nicole: And how the hell is that different than other times?

Kiara: I think Im gonna go ahead and drive back to the bar before I witness a murder or public fucking.

Me: Right behind ya.

Alexus: I'll be there soon.

We got in the cars and I led Kiara and them to the bar and Alexus took Nicole to the hotel. We went inside the bar and sat at the island.

Jacob: I honestly cant believe she's finna be tied down. Forever.

Erik: Shit me too.

Me: You think it can last?

Jacob: Shit as long as nobody comes between them.

Erik looked at Kiara.

Erik: Why're you so quiet?

Kiara: No reason. Im just thinking.

Me: About?

Kiara: Good ways to propose.

Jacob: You wanna marry El?

Kiara: Yeah.

Jacob: Awe man. Everybody getting married and I'm single as hell.

We laughed.

Kiara: Wouldn't be single if you didn't cheat. Just saying.

I felt arms wrap around me. I turned and saw Anna. I smirked and kissed her.

Me: What're you doing here?

Anna: Meeting a friend.

Me: Oh yeah? Who?

Anna: Her name's Jacqlin.

Me: Oh okay.

She sat on my lap and took my shot of Hennessey and drank it. She leaned down to my ear.

Anna: Come to my place later, daddy.

Oh shit. I know exactly what that means.

Me: Why you want daddy to come over?

Anna: I want the strap daddy.

Me: Daddy will be over later but you gotta be a bad girl til then.

Anna: Im always bad daddy.

She kissed my neck then my lips before meeting some girl at the door. I saw Alexus come in behind the girl. She spotted us and came towards us. She sat beside me and ordered a beer.

Alexus: I would've been here earlier but I had to tuck in Marie.

Erik: Eh you good.

Me: So this proposal.

Alexus: Right.

-  -  -
Chapter 37

So how will she propse ?

This is the last chapter of the crossover! If you want me to add a chapter about how Ava does let me know and I'll put it in!

The Old Girl - Sequel -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ