A Place to Stay

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Hello Lovelies,

As you all know that i finished AUF. And Everyone is saying the story is unfinished. 

Well the story's ending was planned when i first start the story. I knew the ending when is tarted. And yes it's not finished. When i first start the story i also knew that this story will have a sequel. But for NOW. i can't write the Sequel. I need time to planned the sequel. and it needs time. i just can't publish the sequel. so You all have to wait for the AUF's Sequel. 
And From Now I will focusing This Story. and other two stories. (She Belongs To Me ..&.. The Mafia's Forbidden Desire.) I will focus on this three story from now. Other stories are on hold. 
So don't tell me to update "Perilous Divertissement" or any other stories. I am just focusing on LD, SBTM & TMFD. so let's enjoy those stories and Mean this time i will plan the sequel of AUF. 

Thank you. Now enjoy the Chapter. AND SORRY if there is any mistake. becasue the chapter is not edited. 


Chapter: 6 (A Place to Stay) 


"I don't know how to thank you, Mukti. I am being debt to you forever." My eyes become teary. The way she took care of me this weekend was so touchable and I am moved with her gratitude.

"Nandu, you are not debt to me. Don't say this. You are hurting my feelings by saying this." her face turned dark with unknown emotion.

"I didn't do this for making you debt to me. I did this because I cared for you. We might be known each other for a small time but the moment we I see you I felt attached to you. So don't say this." Mukti rambling her emotion in cold way but I can she is so hurt by my words.

Oh god. What I did?

I hurt her feelings. But I didn't mean to... it was a mistake.

"Sorry Mukti. I am an idiot... it was just... No one ever did this to me. No one ever care for me. So it was too hard for me to believe this." I cried out. Because this is true. No one ever cared... Never tried to mend my broken hearts... Never tried to heal me. This is first time!

"Oh... Nandu. Why couldn't you get this I care for you? This is first time I feel so attached to someone. Or else everyone judge me for my past. You are the one who didn't judge me. You are like my sister... even I take you as my little sister, Nandini." She is crying with me.

She hugged me... We hold into each other tightly and consoling our soul.

I feel protected... safe. I never feel that with my own mother. She and my step dad sold me. I can't believe this. Who is that person I don't know and I don't get it how could someone brought me as prize possession?

Crying my soul out on Mukti's shoulder... Mukti rubbing my back to comfort me. In her arms I felt like I found my place to hold.... A place where I can close my eyes peacefully.

"Nandini, Now we are together. And I would try my best to protect you. I don't what are you so afraid of but I will try to protect you." Mukti made a promise but this is a promise which she can't kept. She doesn't know what I am running off.

"Thanks Mukti." I smiled.

"By the way you didn't tell me why are we moving out from this house?" I asked as I going back to pack my staff. We almost pack everything just few important things are remain unpacking.

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