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3rd Person POV

Voldemort stood outside the house. He knew that the boy was in here, he could feel his power radiating off of the boy in waves. He used his wand to open the door. As he walked in front of the boys door, he smelled the ocean. Strange, he thought. He opened the door. What he saw confused and surprised him.

He saw two boys, both with black hair. He quickly raised his wand. He didn't know which one was the boy of the prophecy, so he decided to just kill them both. He quickly said the killing curse. But when the green light came out of the wand, it hit an invisible wall, and came flying back at him. He quickly apparated to the backyard before the curse hit him.

The boys heard a crash. They sat up at the same time, looking around. They looked out the window. What they saw sent shivers down their spine. The boys' knew what to do instantly. Even though they didn't want to. A few years ago, a man in robes and a long beard came to the orphanage and gave them instructions that if they ever saw a man without a nose, that they touch a small disk. They both got one. But unfortunately, the man said that the disks would led them separate places. Percy's would take him to America, while Harry's would take him to his aunt and uncle's house. "Come on Percy, we have to get the disks!" Harry told his brother.

"But harry, I don't want to be away from you!" Percy cried to his brother.

"Percy, I don't want to leave you either, but we have to go!"

At this point, the twins were both crying. Percy reluctantly nodded and followed his brother to the drawer where they kept their disks(Portkeys). Just as they were about to touch the disks, They heard a crash come from downstairs. They looked at each other, tears running down their faces. They quickly gave each other a hug."Harry, I promise that I will find you again. I promise."

They hugged once more, then heard another bang, except closer. They quickly wiped their faces and turned towards the disks. They looked at each other one last time, then touched the disk. The last thing they saw was each other, before they vision contorted and twisted.

Harry Potters TwinWhere stories live. Discover now