Chapter 25 - The Late Call

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Jay's POV

I hear it. I hear. Him. On the other side of the line, speaking frantically as I sit on the concrete floor, hands tied behind my back and tears streaming down my face like never ending waterfalls.

It was just like my dreams, well more like nightmares. The room was just how I imagined it all those months ago, when I questioned my own mind of its capabilities. My irises were puffed up and my eye lids felt heavy. I don't ok now what time it is, probably somewhere around twelve at night.

I lost track after an hour of sitting here, hopeless trying to loosen the restraints - which wouldn't budge. Every time Walker caught me moving or making an attempt to escape his company, he would slap my cheek. Which was most likely as red as my blood.

Over the few hours of being here - where ever here is - I've come to realize that Walker doesn't give up easily. When he wants something, he does what ever it takes to get it; in this case, he's trying to persuade me with false facts that I know aren't true, they cant be true.

It's impossible.

They sound so pathetic, but they could be very well honest, though I refuse to let the lies in and eat me alive. My head hung low, and ever single time I heard him, Keith's voice, I would be hopeful that he's somehow gonna get me out of here. But so far, nothing has changed, no one has made an effort.

But I do understand that things like rescue plans take time, so who knows how long I'll be kept here; a day, a week, months, or worst case scenario: a year. The thought of being held captive for that long sends a cold shiver down my rigid back.

Here I am complaining to myself that I've been here for a few hours when Keith has suffered this for years. He's been kept in Walkers apartment for years, until that one day he decided he had enough of it. And I'm glad he left, because I had the chance to meet him and fall for him.

I'm instantly whipped away from my thoughts when a hard calloused hand comes in contact with the side of my face. My head flies to the side and I bite back a horrific scream.

"Are you listening! Answer my question!" Walker yells while kneeling and taking a harsh hold upon my hair and yanking me forward so my eyes meet his dark, lustful ones that always manage to make the adrenaline inside me pump hard.

I glare at him, my eyes watering. He only stares at me with a wicked smirk playing on his lips. He sees this as funny, as entertainment. As fun. Walker is all kinds of sick, cruel, and restless. I hate him for that, for all the things he's done to hurt Keith. I will forever hate him for it and every time I speak his name, I shall say it with such hatred, as if it were poison on my tongue.

"What do you want?!" I spat. It only earned me another slap.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!"

"Don't touch her!" Keith yells from the other end, his voice was demanding and muffled by the speaker. I almost forgot that he was still on the line.

"Shut up Camden! I'm not in the mood to deal with this. So let's make this easy. Camden... tell Jay here what I told you in the parking lot. Please?"

I whip my attention to Walker and to his lingering words in the air.

What did he tell Keith?


"Because if you don't, you're gonna wish that you two never even met."

"Don't lay another hand on her!"

"Fair enough, now spill!"

"Fine! Jay?"

"Yes?" I weakly reply, my cheeks are inflamed because of Walker and the way he treats his son. It's horrible the amount of pain Walker put Keith through. And the fact that he uses his real name instead of his fake one must bring up so many awful memories.

"What he's referring to is the night you disappeared," his voice was slightly quivering. "I searched for you and asked people if they knew where you were."

"Bad mistake." Walker says, glaring at me then shaking his head.

Keith lets out a long exasperated sigh and then continues his sentence. I wait patiently on the floor, though my body is overflowing in anticipation to what he's going to say. "Walker came to me that night, he did...something. But then gave me a deal. He told me that in five days I shall come to NanoTech, which is the place you are in now... he also said that in these five days, I will have to tell the truth and tell you my true identity."

I was taken aback by what he just said.

His true identity?

"Jay, please. Don't let anything that I'm going to tell you ruin what we have. You are very important to me and when I see you again, I will never let you out of my sight. I promise, at the end of these five days, I will be there in no time. I will be there to get you and bring you home."


"Alright enough! I'm done hearing you two. Thank you for your call... call again tomorrow at seven and from there, everything will be spilled. Goodbye!"

Walker hangs up when Keith was about to say something. He pivots on his heel and stares at me.

"Get ready to feel pain. To feel betrayed. Because whats about to be told is why Keith is the way he is: vicious, violent, and high tempered. Oh and we cant forget, he will spill the real reasons why he has those scars."

The real reason why he has his scars?

I have a feeling that this isn't going to go good, but no matter what Keith says, I will refuse to let that information take control of my thoughts. I will refuse to actually listen to it because I don't want ur love to change, to be broken and tattered with.

I want it to remain the same, without any changes or loop holes. I want it to be strong and healthy so it can last forever.

But the words that rolled off of Walker's lips keep coming back to me, it's like they are on a never ending loop.

He will spill the real reasons why he has those scars.

Why was the real reason he had those scars, my gut is telling me it's something horrible.

But the real question Im asking myself is can I really handle the truth? Will I be able to shelter my anger and not let it explode?

Most of all, will I ever be able to look at Keith the same after this?

After all of this?


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